RAL Tier1 Experiments Liaison Meeting

Access Grid (RAL R89)

Access Grid


    • 13:38 13:39
      Major Incidents Changes 1m
    • 13:39 13:40
      Summary of Operational Status and Issues 1m
      Speakers: Brian Davies (Lancaster University (GB)), Darren Moore (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
    • 13:40 13:41
      GGUS /RT Tickets 1m


    • 13:41 13:42
      Site Availability 1m




    • 13:42 13:43
      Experiment Operational Issues 1m
    • 13:44 13:45
      VO-Liaison ATLAS 1m
      Speakers: James William Walder (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)), Dr Tim Adye (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
    • 13:46 13:47
      VO Liaison CMS 1m
      Speaker: Katy Ellis (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
    • 13:48 13:49
      VO Liaison LHCb 1m
      Speaker: Raja Nandakumar (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))


      1. ECHO streaming issue
        • Waiting for fix on vector reads
        • Test jobs running all over the farm currently
          • No longer running only on dedicated LHCb test WNs
          • CEs are not in stable situation yet in ARC6
          • Waiting for this to be resolved to reduce confusion
          • Once resolved get back to understanding the less frequent sources of errors
      2. Concurrent job running rate went down to ~5K from 25 September
        • Was ~9K - 10K previously
        • Has recovered to ~7K now
        • Possibly a glitch in publishing which caused LHCb to reduce job submission rate temporarily around the 25 September
        • Wait and watch for now
      3. One user not able to access files at RAL
        • Authentication rejected by ECHO
        • Not in "banned" list
        • Under investigation


      1. Moved to using CRIC for ETF tests
        • RAL CEs are fine
        • Updates to CRIC will automatically propagate to ETF tests for DUNE in future
      2. Regularly running a few hundred jobs in the last week
        • Nowhere near request but still ...
    • 13:52 13:53
      VO Liaison Others 1m
    • 13:53 13:54
      Experiment Planning 1m
    • 13:54 13:55
      Dune/protoDune 1m
    • 13:55 13:56
      Euclid 1m
    • 13:56 13:57
      SKA 1m
    • 13:57 13:58
      AOB 1m
    • 13:58 13:59
      Any other Business 1m
      Speakers: Brian Davies (Lancaster University (GB)), Darren Moore (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))