June 27, 2022 to July 1, 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Zurich timezone

Analysis Result of E12-17-003 Experiment

Jun 29, 2022, 5:30 PM


online talk 3; Wed-IVb


Bishnu Pandey (Hampton University)


The E12-17-003 Experiment was carried out successfully at Jefferson lab in 2018 using a pressurized tritium target. By utilizing the Hall A high-resolution spectrometers and the $^{3}H(e,e’K^{+})Λnn$ reaction, enhancements which may correspond to the possible $Λnn$ resonance and a pair of $ΣNN$ sate were observed with an energy resolution of 1.21 MeV (σ), although the greater statistics are required to make the definite identifications. The experimentally measured $Λnn$ state can provide unique constraints in determining the $Λn$ interaction for which no scattering data exist. In addition, although bound A = 3 and 4 $Σ$ hypernuclei have been predicted, only an A = 4 $Σ$ hypernucleus ($^{4}_{\Sigma}He$) was experimentally observed using the $(K^{−} ,π^{−} )$ reaction on a $^{4}$He target. The bound $ΣNN$ state is possibly a $Σ^{0}nn$ state, although this has to be confirmed by future experiments. This presentation will give a description of this experiment, its analysis, and its results.

Bishnu Pandey on behalf of Jefferson Lab hypernuclear collaboration.


Bishnu Pandey (Hampton University)

Presentation materials