1; Mon-IV
- Àngels Ramos (University of Barcelona)
The inclusion of new ingredients that are expected to be specially relevant at higher energies could reveal more information about the physics behind the NLO terms of the chiral Lagrangian. In the present work, we explore the relevance of including partial waves higher than the $L=0$, which is usually the only component considered in the literature to study the ${\bar K}N$ scattering...
The measurements of $\pi\Sigma$ mass distributions in the $\gamma p \longrightarrow K^{+} \pi\Sigma$ photoproduction reaction [1, 2] probe the energy region of the $\Lambda(1405)$ resonance, just below the $\bar{K}N$ threshold, and present new challenges for the theoretical models of $\bar{K}N-\pi\Sigma$ coupled channels interactions. Adopting the model presented in [3] we describe the...
The attractive nature of $\bar{K}N$ interaction has stimulated theoretical and experimental searches for $K^-$ bound states in different systems. In particular, many theoretical calculations devoted to the lightest possible system $\bar{K}NN$ have been performed using different methods: Faddeev equations with coupled channels, variational methods, and some others, see a review \cite{review}...
In recent years, the possible existence of deeply-bound $\bar K$ nuclear bound states has been widely discussed as a consequence of the strongly attractive $\bar KN$ interaction in I = 0 channels. Very recently, J-PARC E15 experiment reported an observation of the simplest kaonic nuclei, $\bar KNN$, in the $\Lambda p$ invariant-spectrum of the in-flight $K^-$ reaction on helium-3...
We investigated the meson-baryon scattering using time-order perturbation theory (TOPT) based on a manifestly Lorentz-invariant formulation of baryon chiral perturbation theory. Effective potentials are defined as sums of two-particle irreducible contributions of time-ordered diagrams and the renormalized scattering amplitudes are obtained by solving the integral equation, which is derived...