4; Thu-IIb
- Petr Bydzovsky (Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR)
The $(e, e'K^+)$ reaction experiments with several nuclear targets performed recently at the Jefferson Lab have provided high-resolution spectroscopic data. They are very fruitful in disclosing hypernuclear structure details and also in understanding hyperon-nucleon fundamental interaction properties.
Among others, the $^{10}$B $(e, e'K^+)$ $_{\,\Lambda}^{10}$Be reaction data are quite...
Intense $K^-$ beam at J-PARC will enable us to investigate strangeness $-2$ systems, namely $\Xi$-hypernuclei and double-$\Lambda$ hypernuclei. In particular, the high-resolution S-2S spectromter will be a key ingredient for a systematic study of these systems by means of $(K^-,K^+)$ reactions.
The J-PARC E75 experiment plans to produce $^5_{\Lambda\Lambda}{\mathrm{H}}$ as a decay product...
Hyperon-proton scattering experiment is one of the most direct methods to study the $YN$ interaction, as in the case of the $NN$ interaction. Although it was experimentally difficult due to short lifetime of hyperons for a long time, we successfully performed novel high-statistics $\Sigma p$ scattering experiment at J-PARC (J-PARC E40 experiment). One of the physics motivations was...
Recently, we have proposed a new experiment (J-PARC P90 experiment) to measure the missing-mass spectrum around the $\Sigma N$ threshold in the $d(K^-, \pi^-)$ reaction at 1.4 GeV/$c$. A clear enhancement was observed near the $\Sigma N$ threshold, so called "$\Sigma N$ cusp", for a long time ago. However, the dynamical origin of this enhancement remains unclear as yet. Especially, whether...
The $\Xi$particle-nucleon interaction is the last piece of the nuclear force study that has been extended to the strange quark, and the $\Xi$ hypernuclear spectroscopy experiment will provide us the rich information. We are planning a series of $\Xi$ hypernuclear spectroscopy experiments using $(K^-, K^+)$ reactions at the Japan Proton Accelerator Re-search Complex (J-PARC), K1.8...
We have used an isobar model to study the $K^+\Sigma^-$ photoproduction reaction on a neutron target with focus on the resonance region. In order to achieve a reasonable agreement with the data, we included spin-3/2 and spin-5/2 nucleon resonances in the consistent formalism [1,2], where spurious lower-spin modes vanish in the amplitude, together with a $\Delta$ resonance and two kaon...
The recent observation of two-solar-mass neutron stars rules out most of the current models of hyperonic matter equation of state, which favour the appearance of hyperons in the neutron star interior but predict maximum masses (Mmax) incompatible with data. This issue, referred to as “hyperon puzzle”, strongly suggests that the present understanding of nuclear interactions involving hyperons...