Igor Mandic
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
RD50-MPW2 is pixel detector prototype fabricated in 150 nm High Voltage CMOS technology at LFoundry. It is a successor of RD50-MPW1 chip developed within RD50 collaboration to study this technology for future experiments. Chips were manufactured on p-type silicon with different initial resistivities and irradiated with neutrons in reactor in Ljubljana. E-TCT and I-V measurements were made with passive pixel test structures. Depletion depth was measured as a function of bias voltage with E-TCT to extract information about effective space charge concentration. Dependence of Neff and detector current was studied as a function of neutron fluence. Measurements were repeated after several annealing steps at 60 C.
Primary author
Igor Mandic
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))