30 November 2020 to 4 December 2020
America/Bogota timezone

Quantum Machine Learning concepts for HEP

30 Nov 2020, 16:00
Regular Talk (15'+5') Higgs / Standard model Formal theory


Ms Vijayasri Iyer (Department of Information Technology)


This contribution explores the Machine Learning techniques and Quantum Computing concepts and applications in High Energy Physics considering a phenomenological and theoretical view. Besides, we show the main tools to explore the Standard Model extensions, decay process and the parameter space. With this set of tools, we want to explore the bounds and define exclusion regions, those bounds might be relevant to explore in the next generation of colliders and could be tested in order to
understanding of phenomena.

Primary authors

Prof. Javier Orduz-Ducuara (UNAM) Ms Vijayasri Iyer (Department of Information Technology)

Presentation materials

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