User Forum 2 Programme Committee



Massimo Lamanna (CERN)
The programme committee (EGEE User Forum 2 May 9-11, 2006) meetings are generally held at CERN (bd 600 meeting room).
Phone in is possible calling +41.22.767.7000 and asking for "EGEE User Forum Programme committee - Lamanna".
Draft of the event goals
Link to the call of abstracts
New version of the logistics (version 1.2)
Attending: Johan Montagnat, Federico Ruggieri, Frank Harris, Erwin Laure, Kristina Gunne, Pasquale Pagano, Claudio Grandi, Massimo Lamanna, Vincent Breton Discussion on the Call for Abstracts: A proposed abstract page has been set up General comments * It is important that abstract submitters get accounts to be able to use Indico * The space given to write the text is not enough (fixed now) * We must make it clear to people that the text they submit will be put together into one document later on (fixed now) Discussion on the format: * Different opinions * The bottom line is to stay with "abstract" (terse, no pictures etc...). * Abstracts are functional to contribution selections. * Possibility to publish (selected) contribution will be considered but it is not automatic (although desirable) Conference management software Massimo reiterated that we stay with Indico Other option (Pasquale suggested to have a look into Belief) maybe useful in future not for EGEE UF2 * First categorization of abstracts will be done in January * The next meeting will take place on December 11th at 16h AOB Pasquale: Diligent are interested to organise a training event during this week. Massimo: This could be a bit difficult to accommodate, but you are welcome to submit a proposal an present this at a break out session.
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