- Compact style
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
What am I signing up for?
Although our professional cadence has now changed on account of Covid-19, we can still learn new and cool computing stuff! So let's do it! This is the first attempt at a fully virtual HEP Software Foundation training event to help you learn a single tools that is becoming ubiquitous in our community - "CI/CD" (if you aren't sure what that means and how to use it, you'll probably want to join us).
But why?
The Run-2 data set is awesome! And both the ATLAS and CMS collaborations are working to make the most of it by creating innovative analyses to learn from the data set. However, these analyses should not disappear when the people who wrote the code move on. Luckily, throughout the course of Run 2, a number of tools have permeated HEP computing culture that can be used to help ensure that analyses are preserved in a robust way, thereby facilitating the reproduction of our own results.
This joint bootcamp with members from the ATLAS and CMS collaborations aims to introduce analyzers who are already proficient in basic analysis tools and concepts (e.g. C++, Python, event selection, limit setting) to the next level of robust analysis by using Continuous Integration/Development in GitLab hosted at CERN.
Is this for me?
If you have ever spent hours banging your head against code that someone gave you as a starting point, either because it doesn’t compile or segfaults immediately upon running or simply spits out empty histograms - this bootcamp is for you. If you are going to be doing science at the LHC in Run 3 - this workshop is for you. And if you are thinking of moving to a career outside of academia - this workshop is for you.
Can I attend remotely?
YES! The whole point of this workshop/bootcamp is specifically that you *should* be remote. We want you to learn with us and help us learn is we can bootstrap the collective technical intelligence of our community without physically being at CERN. To do so, we will be using Zoom.
Who is teaching at this thing?
The pedagogical material for this workshop was developed by Stefan Wunsch (CMS) and Giordon Stark (ATLAS). There will be one instructor (TBD) and a number of mentors who can help debug and guide you in breakout rooms on Zoom.