Débora Marques Barreiros
(CFTP/IST, Universidade de Lisboa)
I will present our recent work on a simple scoto-seesaw model that accounts for dark matter and neutrino masses with spontaneous CP violation. This is achieved with a single horizontal Z8 discrete symmetry, broken to a residual Z2 subgroup responsible for stabilizing dark matter. CP is broken spontaneously via the complex vacuum expectation value of a scalar singlet, inducing leptonic CP-violating effects. We find that the imposed Z8 symmetry pushes the values of the Dirac CP phase and the lightest neutrino mass to ranges already probed by ongoing experiments.
arXiv number (if applicable) | 2012.05189 |
Débora Marques Barreiros
(CFTP/IST, Universidade de Lisboa)