22–26 Jun 2020
remote-only by Vidyo
Europe/Zurich timezone

On the space resolution of the u-RWELL

24 Jun 2020, 11:10
remote-only by Vidyo

remote-only by Vidyo


Matteo Giovannetti (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))


In MPGD detectors evaluation of the space resolution with the charge
centroid (CC) method provides large uncertainty when the impinging
particle is not perpendicular to the readout plane. An improvement of
the position reconstruction, and thus of the space resolution, is
represented by the uTPC algorithm. In this work we report the
application of this algorithm to the u-Resistive WELL detector.
Moreover a combination of the CC method with the uTPC algorithm is
proposed, showing an almost uniform resolution over a wide angular range.

Presentation materials