
from Friday, November 13, 2020 (10:00 AM) to Sunday, November 15, 2020 (11:00 PM)
Zoom (https://cern.zoom.us/j/93847110100?pwd=TWFUcVpqTVlLSGlDbGV0WElTMkRnQT09)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
Nov 13, 2020
Nov 14, 2020
Nov 15, 2020
9:00 AM
Debriefing - Muhammed Sameed (University of Manchester (GB)) (until 9:10 AM) (Private Zoom Link for Participants, Mentors, and Partners Only)
9:10 AM
Virtual Breakfast - Muhammed Sameed (University of Manchester (GB)) (until 9:30 AM) (Private Zoom Link for Participants, Mentors, and Partners Only)
9:30 AM
Workshop: Creating a Project Identity - Maria Marilyn Joseph (IED Barcelona) Evgenii Glushkov (EPFL) (until 10:30 AM) (Private Zoom Link for Participants, Mentors, and Partners Only)
10:30 AM
Hacking (until 1:00 PM) ()
9:00 AM
Debriefing - Muhammed Sameed (University of Manchester (GB)) (until 9:10 AM) (Private Zoom Link for Participants, Mentors, and Partners Only)
9:10 AM
Virtual Breakfast - Muhammed Sameed (University of Manchester (GB)) (until 9:30 AM) (Private Zoom Link for Participants, Mentors, and Partners Only)
9:30 AM
Hacking (until 11:00 AM) ()
11:00 AM
Future Perspectives - Hans Baechle (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) (until 11:30 AM) (Private Zoom Link for Participants, Mentors, and Partners Only)
11:30 AM
Future Perspectives - Hans Baechle (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) (until 12:00 PM) (Private Zoom Link for Participants, Mentors, and Partners Only)
2:00 PM
Check-in - Muhammed Sameed (University of Manchester (GB)) (until 2:30 PM) (https://cern.zoom.us/j/93847110100?pwd=TWFUcVpqTVlLSGlDbGV0WElTMkRnQT09)
2:30 PM
Virtual Visit - Sonia Natale (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)) (until 3:30 PM) (https://cern.zoom.us/j/92832029610?pwd=ejRzMVRIM1B5OHNDeExXaG5jUklxQT09)
4:00 PM
Virtual Visit - Sonia Allegretti (TERA Foundation (IT)) (until 5:00 PM) (https://cern.zoom.us/j/99197820224?pwd=djlTbmpxOXBicXFwcVJQZTA5b3A2Zz09)
7:00 PM
Opening - Sonia Allegretti (TERA Foundation (IT)) (until 7:45 PM) (https://cern.zoom.us/j/93847110100?pwd=TWFUcVpqTVlLSGlDbGV0WElTMkRnQT09)
7:00 PM POSTPONED   (https://cern.zoom.us/j/93847110100?pwd=TWFUcVpqTVlLSGlDbGV0WElTMkRnQT09)
7:45 PM
Opening - Muhammed Sameed (University of Manchester (GB)) (until 7:50 PM) (https://cern.zoom.us/j/93847110100?pwd=TWFUcVpqTVlLSGlDbGV0WElTMkRnQT09)
7:50 PM
Opening - Meirin Oan Evans (University of Sussex (GB)) (until 8:30 PM) (https://cern.zoom.us/j/93847110100?pwd=TWFUcVpqTVlLSGlDbGV0WElTMkRnQT09)
8:30 PM
Social Activities - Liyana Yusof Maria Perez Ornedo (Universidad de Sevilla (ES)) (until 10:00 PM) (Private Zoom Link for Participants, Mentors, and Partners Only)
1:00 PM
Virtual Lunch - Sonia Natale (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)) (until 2:00 PM) (Private Zoom Link for Participants, Mentors, and Partners Only)
2:00 PM
Hacking (until 4:00 PM) ()
4:00 PM
Progress Report - Maria Perez Ornedo (Universidad de Sevilla (ES)) (until 4:35 PM) (Private Zoom Link for Participants, Mentors, and Partners Only)
4:35 PM
Virtual Coffee - Muhammed Sameed (University of Manchester (GB)) (until 5:00 PM) (Private Zoom Link for Participants, Mentors, and Partners Only)
5:00 PM
Hacking (until 7:00 PM) ()
7:00 PM
Virtual Dinner - Sonia Allegretti (TERA Foundation (IT)) Meirin Oan Evans (University of Sussex (GB)) (until 8:00 PM) (Private Zoom Link for Participants, Mentors, and Partners Only)
8:00 PM
Hacking (until 10:00 PM) ()
12:00 PM
Virtual Lunch - Sonia Allegretti (TERA Foundation (IT)) (until 1:00 PM) (Private Zoom Link for Participants, Mentors, and Partners Only)
1:00 PM
Team Presentations Technical Check (until 1:30 PM) (https://cern.zoom.us/j/93847110100?pwd=TWFUcVpqTVlLSGlDbGV0WElTMkRnQT09)
2:00 PM
Closing - Muhammed Sameed (University of Manchester (GB)) (until 2:10 PM) (https://cern.zoom.us/j/93847110100?pwd=TWFUcVpqTVlLSGlDbGV0WElTMkRnQT09)
2:10 PM
Closing - Liyana Yusof (until 3:30 PM) (https://cern.zoom.us/j/93847110100?pwd=TWFUcVpqTVlLSGlDbGV0WElTMkRnQT09)
3:30 PM
Closing - Sonia Natale (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)) (until 4:30 PM) (https://cern.zoom.us/j/93847110100?pwd=TWFUcVpqTVlLSGlDbGV0WElTMkRnQT09)
3:30 PM Keynote Talk: "Hollywod Stars" by Roberto Battiston, former president of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) & president of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) Committee on Astroparticle Physics - Roberto Battiston (Universita degli Studi di Trento è INFN (IT))   (https://cern.zoom.us/j/93847110100?pwd=TWFUcVpqTVlLSGlDbGV0WElTMkRnQT09)
4:40 PM
Closing - Muhammed Sameed (University of Manchester (GB)) (until 5:00 PM) (https://cern.zoom.us/j/93847110100?pwd=TWFUcVpqTVlLSGlDbGV0WElTMkRnQT09)