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- Indico Weeks View
Due to the COVID-19 teleworking conditions, the proposals and estimated effort have to be concrete. Current operational conditions are very requiring on the teams.
Participants: Sarven Capadisli (input on notifications), Maria Dimou (notes), Michiel de Jong (diagramme), Mitzi László (moderator - present for sometime).
Meeting held in Zoom.
Present: Maria, Michiel, Mitzi (for some time), Sarven.
On the CERN side, Maria asked Eduardo, who inherited the notifications' project, after the meeting:
Pablo Roncero has finished the first iteration implementation of the tentative notifications portal (aka the frontend), https://test-notifications-service.web.cern.ch/ (only accessible within CERN network)
Indeed this use case could be also covered by the Notifications service (probably also mixed with Mattermost) I foresee indeed a set of official channels that users can subscribe to in order to receive news. These news can certainly be Service oriented ones, alarms, ... And the important difference here compared with Mail is the ability for the user to decide when and how they receive the information.
Certainly there are a lot of similar functionalities between both systems. Probably Notifications service will be more used for notifications, while Mattermost offers more a bi-directional communication. I think both systems should be linked and integrated together for a bigger success.
Yes, I foresee users will be interested in access previous content sent through the notifications service. We foresee two levels of data. Live data kept up to X months (to be defined) to be stored directly on the backend system chosen. And archived notifications stored for long preservation on a different place (archive static web application) Probably something similar of what Emmanuel is implementing for the E-groups archive replacement for Sharepoint.