CERN Cryolab measurement capabilities and R&D – related to MSC

Europe/Zurich (CERN)


Torsten Koettig (CERN)

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Abstract: The Cryolab has been providing expertise and R&D at low temperature for clients and collaborators from inside and outside of CERN. The Cryolab team of physicists, engineers and technicians is developing cryogenic solutions to test equipment at temperatures typically from 100 K down to the milliKelvin temperature range (T>20 mK). The activities are wide spread from direct bath cooling techniques to thermal cycling in the respective liquid or under vacuum conditions to cryogen free refrigeration. The standard test benches are focussing on the characterization of material samples enabling the determination of superconductor interface resistances, RRR values of bulk and thin layer specimens, as well as thermal contraction data. Thermal conductivity and diffusivity measurements are performed at an in-house developed test stand based on a two-stage cryocooler. Such measurement set-ups are permanently improved and adapted to the client needs and to the requested physical properties to be measured. A wide variety of samples and their respective geometries can be handled due to the incorporated flexibility of the design and the instrumentation of the test stands. The Cryolab also enables client R&D by providing the cryogenic infrastructure and cryostat facilities at various temperature ranges (with the use of LHe, LN2 and LAr) and sample conditions e.g. vacuum, contact gas or fluid environment of the samples.

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