CLICdp New-Software Project-Meeting (special time)Postponed



Andre Sailer (CERN)

Software Meeting Minutes

# 200630: Software Meeting


Connected: Philipp, Andre, Erica, Marko, Placido, Valentin, Ulrike,


## MC Generators

* spack recipe for Whizard merged
    * Try the spack release
 * /cvmfs/
 * /cvmfs/
 * Use with:
     * `source /cvmfs/`
 * Had to teach spack to pick up the compilers at runtime for whizard
 * Install beam spectra into `share` folder
 * How to install a branch or master?
     * See (k4hep) spack documentation
     * Install in directory with a date, because spack doesn't re-install master by itself
     * whizard2 gitlab:
         * In case a master is needed

* Sindarin collection basically finalized

* Snowmass energy frontier workshop:
    * July 20-22
    * MC group will present plans

## Simulation

* Erica: Issue with simulation of muons with fixed pT?
    * observed different duplicate vs phi using different muon simulation runs
    * Implement tracking validation and then apply to this observation

## Reconstruction

### Tracking

* Refactoring tracking validation
    * Adding more basic comparison plots as well
    * Duplicates: change were they are identified, maybe do this later
    * Selections are configurable from the outside
    * Efficiencies for Single Muons and ttbar already reproduced
### Particle Flow

### Digitizer

* TODO: Prepare dE/dx plots for stub tracks

## Infrastructure

* Spack recipes:
    * Added recipe for MarlinWrapper
        * gmprun not installed at the moment; replace by ?
    * Issue with URL handler to find versioned tarballs
        * Change ilcinstall release script to add the p00 always

    * Added recipes for FCCSW
    * Started with ConformalTracking recipes
        * Needs a lot of dependencies

## iLCDirac

* New version coming ASAP
    * DiracOS v1r11 tested
* Calice moving from LCG FileCatalog to DFC, keep v6r22 with lcg bundles, because those contain LFC bindings still

* Started with creating new puppet manifests to install new CC7 servers
* Created new Servers, migrating services
* voilcdiracwebapp[2] available

## key4hep

### podio/edm4hep/core/nightlies

* need a production ready event store

#### EDM4hep

### MarlinWrapper

* Conversion script under works

### Allpix based Digitizer

* Working on simulating with ddsim

### dE/dX

* Need to follow up, understand required/desired/possible resolutions

### LCGeo Test

* CLIC_o2_v04: less volumes than o3 much faster startup

## AOB

### Next Meeting

Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 13:00



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