- TPie: 1st version of TPieSlice class has been done. But it is not yet
used to do individual interaction on slices. Also some improvements on
the 3D drawing and interactions (on the version using TPieSlice). I am
not sure we should introduce this version for the release. I would
prefer to have it more complete (interaction on individual slices)
before putting this version in CVS.
- Text clipping in PS (a clipped text disappear completely in PS file).
That's the main thing I would like to do before the release. I have
done some tests at the PS level and know how to do it. But, I would
like to take the opportunity of this change to simplify TPostScript::Text.
- SetRightMargin() on TH3 drawing has been fixed.
- TPIe.
- TPolarGraph.
- TSpectrum2Painter.
Some changes in the FitPanel interface.
- commit today in CVS some bug fixes in MathCore in the Axial Rotation
classes found by LHCb
- fix the MathCore coding convention due to Enumeration
- need to understand a problem reported by CMS when doing I/O of 3D Points
and using the CINT dictionary of libMathCore
( I could not reproduce the problem in a standalone test)
- fix a problem on Windows in the MathMore dictionary
- extend some Mathmore numerical algorithm (like Derivation) to use
multidimensional functions
- rename some of the statistics functions in MathMore (normal_prob,
normal_quant, normal_quant_inv)
- fix problems with tutorials/testRandom
- check carefully the User guide and update where needed. I am not expecting
to write new sections
- One more unresolved issue for ATLAS trying to read back old data (root 3) where they receive a crash should be resolved before the release
no changes expected
Important upgrade of PROOF removing the TVirtualPROOF interface.