21–25 Sept 2020
(teleconference only)
Europe/Paris timezone

HTCondor at GRIF

22 Sept 2020, 16:05


HTCondor user presentations Workshop session


Andrea Sartirana (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))


GRIF is a distributed Tier-2 WLCG site grouping four laboratories in the Paris Region (IJCLab, IRFU, LLR, LPNHE). Multiple HTCondor instances are deployed at GRIF since several years. In particular an ARC-CE + HTCondor system provides access to the computing resources of IRFU and a distributed HTCondor pool, with CREAM-CE and Condor-CE gateways, gives unified access to the IJCLab and LLR resources. We propose a short talk (10min max) giving a quick overview of the HTCondor installations at GRIF and some feedback from the GRIF grid administrators.

Desired slot length 10
Speaker release Yes


Andrea Sartirana (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))

Presentation materials