Sep 21 – 25, 2020
(teleconference only)
Europe/Paris timezone

Participant List

Participant List

Status as of 25 September 2020 - 16:00 h UTC


258 participants

(This list does not include the 27 registrants who have unfortunately not given their consent to be included.)


First Name Last Name Affiliation
Adam Wong The George Washington University
Adrian Coveney UKRI STFC - RAL
Adrien Ramparison IJCLAB/IN2P3/CNRS
Ajit Kumar Mohapatra University of Wisconsin - Michigan (US)
Al Marsella Partner
Alberto Sanchez Hernandez Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN (MX)
Ales Prchal FZU - Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Alessandra Doria INFN Napoli (IT)
Alessandro Italiano INFN Bari
Alex Butterworth G Research
Alexandre Rademaker IBM Research
Alexey Smirnov International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Alyssa Bramley Caltech (US)
Andre McNeill Georgia Institute of Technology
Andrea Chierici INFN
Andrea Sartirana Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)
Andreas Haupt DESY
Andreas Nowack RWTH Aachen University
Andreas Petzold KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)
Andres Tanasijczuk Universite Catholique de Louvain (BE)
Andrew Lahiff UKAEA
Andrew Stein Google
Andria Arisal Indonesian Institute of Sciences (ID)
Ankur Singh CERN
Annajiat Alim Rasel Brac University
Annie Ma-Weaver Google Cloud
Anthony Richard Tiaradi Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)
Antonio Perez-Calero Yzquierdo CIEMAT - PIC
Antonio Perez Fernandez Royal Holloway University London
Anuradha Samajdar Nikhef
Asaph Zemach Google
Baptiste MARY CY Cergy Paris Université
Ben Jones CERN
Berenice Cervantes Student
Bert DeKnuydt ESAT - KULeuven
Bertrand Rigaud CNRS (FR)
Boris Sadkhin anl
Brian Bockelman Morgridge Institute for Research
Brian Hua Lin University of Wisconsin - Madison
Bryce Cousins Penn State University
Bruno Coimbra Fermilab
Burt Holzman Fermilab
Carles Acosta PIC (IFAE)
Carsten Aulbert Albert Einstein Institute/Hannover
Catalin Condurache EGI Foundation
Cheryl Zhang Google
Chloe Huang Google
Chris Brew Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)
Chris Reynolds Diamond Light Source
Chris Theis CERN
Christian Neissner Port d'Informatio Cientifica (ES)
Christina Koch Center for High Throughput Computing - UW Madison
christoph beyer DESY HH
Christophe MIGEON STMicroelectronics
Clark Gaylord The George Washington University
Cleber Paiva de Souza SSYS Sistemas
Clemens Lange CERN
Colin Smith ETH Zurich
Craig Parker Victoria University of Wellington
Csaba Hajdu Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest
Dan Moraru LIGO Hanford Observatory
Darek Kedra IRB Barcelona
Dave Dykstra Fermi National Accelerator Lab (US)
David Berghaus Student, University of Bonn
David Cohen Technion- Israel Institute of Technology (IL)
David Rebatto INFN Milano (IT)
David Schultz University of Wisconsin - Madison
Dennis Yip Boeing
Doina Cristina Duma INFN - CNAF
Doug Benjamin Argonne National Laboratory (US)
Elisabetta Vilucchi INFN-LNF (IT)
Emanuele Leonardi INFN Roma (IT)
Emanuele Simili Glasgow Universitry
Emmanouil Vamvakopoulos CCIN2P3 OF CNRS
Eric Chassande-Mottin CNRS AstroParticule et Cosmologie
Eric Fede CNRS/IN2P3
Eric Winter Space Telescope Science Institute
Erich Birngruber Vienna BioCenter
Fabio Hernandez CC-IN2P3 (FR)
Farrukh Khan Fermilab
Federica Fanzago INFN Padova
Feyza Eryol NGI_TR
Francesco Prelz Universita degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT)
Frank Sauerburger Albert Ludwigs Universitat Freiburg (DE)
Frederic Gillardo Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)
Frederique Chollet Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)
Gabor Biro Wigner Research Centre for Physics
Gabriele Garzoglio Google Inc.
Garhan Attebury University of Nebraska Lincoln (US)
Gavin McCance CERN
Geonmo Ryu Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Gian Luigi D'Alessandro University of London (GB)
Gianmauro Cuccuru University of Freiburg
Giuseppe Di Biase EGO - European Gravitational Observatory
Giusy Sergi INFN-CNAF (IT)
Glen MacLachlan The George Washington University
Grant Goodyear Core Laboratories
Gregorio Carullo University of Pisa
Greg Daues NCSA
Gregory Mendell LIGO Hanford Observatory (US)
Gregory Thain University of Wisconsin-Madison
Guillaume Cochard CC-IN2P3 (FR)
Guy Tel-Zur BGU
Götz Waschk DESY
Harald van Pee University of Bonn
Haykuhi Musheghyan KIT (DE)
Hector Camilo Zambrano Hernandez Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)
Heinz-Hermann Adam University of Münster
Helge Meinhard CERN
Hemanta Kumar G International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR)
Ian Loader STFC (UK)
Ian Smith University of Liverpool
Ido Shamay NA
Ievgen Sliusar Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Issouf Kindo Student
Iuri La Rosa CNRS, INFN, Virgo
Jaime Frey UW-Madison
James Letts Univ. of California San Diego (US)
James Thorne Diamond Light Source
James Walder Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)
Jamie Rajewski University of Alberta
Janusz Oleniacz Warsaw University of Technology
Jaroslava Schovancova CERN
Jason Patton University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jaydeep Mody University of Surrey
Jean-Claude Chevaleyre CNRS Clermont-Ferrand (FR)
Jeff Templon Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL)
Jim Basney University of Illinois
Jiri Chudoba Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ)
John Kewley STFC Daresbury Laboratory
John Knoeller UW Madison
John Sanabria Faculty
Jos Daleman Heerema Marine Contractors
Jose Caballero Bejar Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)
Jose Flix Molina Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno
JOSEPH ABENA ABENA University of Douala
Joseph Areeda Cal State University at Fullerton
Josh Drake Open Science Grid
Josh Karpel Center for High-Throughput Computing
Juan Luis Font SURF
Julio Ibarra Florida International University
Junheng Wang CHTC UW Madison
Karan Bhatia Google
Karen Fernsler Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Kevin Heinold SIG
Kevin Kissell Google
Kevin Retzke Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)
Kosta Polyzos University of Surrey
Krishnaiah Marichetty ESI-GROUP
Kruno Sever DESY
Lauren Michael University of Wisconsin - Madison
Lepeke Phukungoane Center for high performance Computing, Cape Town
Luis Fernandez Alvarez CERN
Maciej Pawlik ACC Cyfronet UST
Manuel Giffels KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)
Marco Mambelli Fermilab
Marco Mascheroni Univ. of California San Diego (US)
Marcus Ebert University of Victoria
Maria Acosta Flechas Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)
Marian Zwada University of Nebraska - Lincoln (US)
Mark Coatsworth UW-Madison CHTC
Martin Gasthuber DESY
Mary Hester Nikhef
Massimo Biasotto INFN Legnaro
Matyas Selmeci University of Wisconsin - Madison
Max Fischer Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Merina Albert Fermilab (US)
Michael Leech Oxford University
Michael McClenahan G-Research
Michael Pelletier Raytheon Technologies
Michel Jouvin Université Paris-Saclay (FR)
Miguel Viana INCD
Mihai Constantin Duta Diamond Light Source
Mike Stanfield Indiana University
Miron Livny University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nicholas Von Wolff New Mexico State University
Nikola Hardi CERN
NILOTPAL MRINAL National Institute of Technology
Nils Hoimyr CERN
Oliver Freyermuth University of Bonn (DE)
Orest Dorosh National Centre for Nuclear Research
Ornella Juliana Piccinni INFN
Pablo Llopis Sanmillan CERN
Paris Gianneios University of Ioannina (GR)
Patryk Lason Cyfronet
Pau Cutrina Vilalta CERN
Peet Whittaker JBA Consulting
Peter Wienemann University of Bonn (DE)
Philippe Grassia Caltech / LIGO
Prajesh Sharma University of Delhi (IN)
Prasun Singh Roy VECC, DAE
Punnatat Thaprasop SUT
Raymond Yeung The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Robert Frank University of Manchester
Sabry Razick University of Oslo
Sam Newman Colorado School of Mines
Sang Un Ahn Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KR)
Sanjit Sahu Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences
Saqib Haleem National Centre for Physics (PK)
Sean Murray CERN
Sergio Fantinel INFN Legnaro
Shalini Epari The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (ES)
Shaurya Chanana University of Wisconsin-Madison
Shiyan Wei University of Wisconsin Madison
Shkelzen Rugovac Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE)
Shreyas Bhat Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)
Sophie Ferry CEA Saclay
Srinivasa R ICTS-TIFR (IN)
Stefano Dal Pra INFN-CNAF
Steffen Grunewald MPI Grav.Phys. (Albert Einstein Institute)
Stephane GERARD Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Steve Elliott Google
Stuart Anderson Caltech (US)
Sudeep Narayan Banerjee indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
Thomas Hartmann DESY Hamburg
Thomas Kiesel christmann informationstechnik + medien GmbH & Co. KG
Tim Theisen University of Wisconsin - Madison
Todd Miller UW-Madison
Todd Tannenbaum University of Wisconsin Madison (US)
Tomas Linden Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI)
Tullio Macorini INFN TS
Vanessa Hamar CC-IN2P3
Vikas Singhal Department of Atomic Energy (IN)
Vikram Gazula University of Kentucky
Vishal Mahendra SRM Institute of Science and Technology (IN)
Werner Koppelstätter Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH
Xavier Ouvrard CERN
Zacarias Benta INCD
Zach Miller Center for High-Throughput Computing