Participant List
Status as of 25 September 2020 - 16:00 h UTC
258 participants
(This list does not include the 27 registrants who have unfortunately not given their consent to be included.)
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Adam | Wong | The George Washington University |
Adrian | Coveney | UKRI STFC - RAL |
Adrien | Ramparison | IJCLAB/IN2P3/CNRS |
Ajit Kumar | Mohapatra | University of Wisconsin - Michigan (US) |
Al | Marsella | Partner |
Alberto | Sanchez Hernandez | Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN (MX) |
Ales | Prchal | FZU - Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences |
Alessandra | Doria | INFN Napoli (IT) |
Alessandro | Italiano | INFN Bari |
Alex | Butterworth | G Research |
Alexandre | Rademaker | IBM Research |
Alexey | Smirnov | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) |
Alyssa | Bramley | Caltech (US) |
Andre | McNeill | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Andrea | Chierici | INFN |
Andrea | Sartirana | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR) |
Andreas | Haupt | DESY |
Andreas | Nowack | RWTH Aachen University |
Andreas | Petzold | KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE) |
Andres | Tanasijczuk | Universite Catholique de Louvain (BE) |
Andrew | Lahiff | UKAEA |
Andrew | Stein | |
Andria | Arisal | Indonesian Institute of Sciences (ID) |
Ankur | Singh | CERN |
Annajiat Alim | Rasel | Brac University |
Annie | Ma-Weaver | Google Cloud |
Anthony Richard | Tiaradi | Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US) |
Antonio | Perez-Calero Yzquierdo | CIEMAT - PIC |
Antonio | Perez Fernandez | Royal Holloway University London |
Anuradha | Samajdar | Nikhef |
Asaph | Zemach | |
Baptiste | MARY | CY Cergy Paris Université |
Ben | Jones | CERN |
Berenice | Cervantes | Student |
Bert | DeKnuydt | ESAT - KULeuven |
Bertrand | Rigaud | CNRS (FR) |
Boris | Sadkhin | anl |
Brian | Bockelman | Morgridge Institute for Research |
Brian Hua | Lin | University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Bryce | Cousins | Penn State University |
Bruno | Coimbra | Fermilab |
Burt | Holzman | Fermilab |
Carles | Acosta | PIC (IFAE) |
Carsten | Aulbert | Albert Einstein Institute/Hannover |
Catalin | Condurache | EGI Foundation |
Cheryl | Zhang | |
Chloe | Huang | |
Chris | Brew | Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB) |
Chris | Reynolds | Diamond Light Source |
Chris | Theis | CERN |
Christian | Neissner | Port d'Informatio Cientifica (ES) |
Christina | Koch | Center for High Throughput Computing - UW Madison |
christoph | beyer | DESY HH |
Christophe | MIGEON | STMicroelectronics |
Clark | Gaylord | The George Washington University |
Cleber | Paiva de Souza | SSYS Sistemas |
Clemens | Lange | CERN |
Colin | Smith | ETH Zurich |
Craig | Parker | Victoria University of Wellington |
Csaba | Hajdu | Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest |
Dan | Moraru | LIGO Hanford Observatory |
Darek | Kedra | IRB Barcelona |
Dave | Dykstra | Fermi National Accelerator Lab (US) |
David | Berghaus | Student, University of Bonn |
David | Cohen | Technion- Israel Institute of Technology (IL) |
David | Rebatto | INFN Milano (IT) |
David | Schultz | University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Dennis | Yip | Boeing |
Doina Cristina | Duma | INFN - CNAF |
Doug | Benjamin | Argonne National Laboratory (US) |
Elisabetta | Vilucchi | INFN-LNF (IT) |
Emanuele | Leonardi | INFN Roma (IT) |
Emanuele | Simili | Glasgow Universitry |
Emmanouil | Vamvakopoulos | CCIN2P3 OF CNRS |
Eric | Chassande-Mottin | CNRS AstroParticule et Cosmologie |
Eric | Fede | CNRS/IN2P3 |
Eric | Winter | Space Telescope Science Institute |
Erich | Birngruber | Vienna BioCenter |
Fabio | Hernandez | CC-IN2P3 (FR) |
Farrukh | Khan | Fermilab |
Federica | Fanzago | INFN Padova |
Feyza | Eryol | NGI_TR |
Francesco | Prelz | Universita degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT) |
Frank | Sauerburger | Albert Ludwigs Universitat Freiburg (DE) |
Frederic | Gillardo | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR) |
Frederique | Chollet | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR) |
Gabor | Biro | Wigner Research Centre for Physics |
Gabriele | Garzoglio | Google Inc. |
Garhan | Attebury | University of Nebraska Lincoln (US) |
Gavin | McCance | CERN |
Geonmo | Ryu | Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information |
Gian Luigi | D'Alessandro | University of London (GB) |
Gianmauro | Cuccuru | University of Freiburg |
Giuseppe | Di Biase | EGO - European Gravitational Observatory |
Giusy | Sergi | INFN-CNAF (IT) |
Glen | MacLachlan | The George Washington University |
Grant | Goodyear | Core Laboratories |
Gregorio | Carullo | University of Pisa |
Greg | Daues | NCSA |
Gregory | Mendell | LIGO Hanford Observatory (US) |
Gregory | Thain | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Guillaume | Cochard | CC-IN2P3 (FR) |
Guy | Tel-Zur | BGU |
Götz | Waschk | DESY |
Harald | van Pee | University of Bonn |
Haykuhi | Musheghyan | KIT (DE) |
Hector Camilo | Zambrano Hernandez | Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US) |
Heinz-Hermann | Adam | University of Münster |
Helge | Meinhard | CERN |
Hemanta | Kumar G | International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR) |
Ian | Loader | STFC (UK) |
Ian | Smith | University of Liverpool |
Ido | Shamay | NA |
Ievgen | Sliusar | Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv |
Issouf | Kindo | Student |
Iuri | La Rosa | CNRS, INFN, Virgo |
Jaime | Frey | UW-Madison |
James | Letts | Univ. of California San Diego (US) |
James | Thorne | Diamond Light Source |
James | Walder | Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB) |
Jamie | Rajewski | University of Alberta |
Janusz | Oleniacz | Warsaw University of Technology |
Jaroslava | Schovancova | CERN |
Jason | Patton | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Jaydeep | Mody | University of Surrey |
Jean-Claude | Chevaleyre | CNRS Clermont-Ferrand (FR) |
Jeff | Templon | Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL) |
Jim | Basney | University of Illinois |
Jiri | Chudoba | Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ) |
John | Kewley | STFC Daresbury Laboratory |
John | Knoeller | UW Madison |
John | Sanabria | Faculty |
Jos | Daleman | Heerema Marine Contractors |
Jose | Caballero Bejar | Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB) |
Jose | Flix Molina | Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno |
JOSEPH | ABENA ABENA | University of Douala |
Joseph | Areeda | Cal State University at Fullerton |
Josh | Drake | Open Science Grid |
Josh | Karpel | Center for High-Throughput Computing |
Juan Luis | Font | SURF |
Julio | Ibarra | Florida International University |
Junheng | Wang | CHTC UW Madison |
Karan | Bhatia | |
Karen | Fernsler | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Kevin | Heinold | SIG |
Kevin | Kissell | |
Kevin | Retzke | Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US) |
Kosta | Polyzos | University of Surrey |
Krishnaiah | Marichetty | ESI-GROUP |
Kruno | Sever | DESY |
Lauren | Michael | University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Lepeke | Phukungoane | Center for high performance Computing, Cape Town |
Luis | Fernandez Alvarez | CERN |
Maciej | Pawlik | ACC Cyfronet UST |
Manuel | Giffels | KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE) |
Marco | Mambelli | Fermilab |
Marco | Mascheroni | Univ. of California San Diego (US) |
Marcus | Ebert | University of Victoria |
Maria | Acosta Flechas | Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US) |
Marian | Zwada | University of Nebraska - Lincoln (US) |
Mark | Coatsworth | UW-Madison CHTC |
Martin | Gasthuber | DESY |
Mary | Hester | Nikhef |
Massimo | Biasotto | INFN Legnaro |
Matyas | Selmeci | University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Max | Fischer | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Merina | Albert | Fermilab (US) |
Michael | Leech | Oxford University |
Michael | McClenahan | G-Research |
Michael | Pelletier | Raytheon Technologies |
Michel | Jouvin | Université Paris-Saclay (FR) |
Miguel | Viana | INCD |
Mihai Constantin | Duta | Diamond Light Source |
Mike | Stanfield | Indiana University |
Miron | Livny | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Nicholas | Von Wolff | New Mexico State University |
Nikola | Hardi | CERN |
NILOTPAL | MRINAL | National Institute of Technology |
Nils | Hoimyr | CERN |
Oliver | Freyermuth | University of Bonn (DE) |
Orest | Dorosh | National Centre for Nuclear Research |
Ornella Juliana | Piccinni | INFN |
Pablo | Llopis Sanmillan | CERN |
Paris | Gianneios | University of Ioannina (GR) |
Patryk | Lason | Cyfronet |
Pau | Cutrina Vilalta | CERN |
Peet | Whittaker | JBA Consulting |
Peter | Wienemann | University of Bonn (DE) |
Philippe | Grassia | Caltech / LIGO |
Prajesh | Sharma | University of Delhi (IN) |
Prasun | Singh Roy | VECC, DAE |
Punnatat | Thaprasop | SUT |
Raymond | Yeung | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Robert | Frank | University of Manchester |
Sabry | Razick | University of Oslo |
Sam | Newman | Colorado School of Mines |
Sang Un | Ahn | Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KR) |
Sanjit | Sahu | Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences |
Saqib | Haleem | National Centre for Physics (PK) |
Sean | Murray | CERN |
Selcuk | Bilmis | TUBITAK ULAKBIM |
Sergio | Fantinel | INFN Legnaro |
Shalini | Epari | The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (ES) |
Shaurya | Chanana | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Shiyan | Wei | University of Wisconsin Madison |
Shkelzen | Rugovac | Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE) |
Shreyas | Bhat | Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US) |
Sophie | Ferry | CEA Saclay |
Srinivasa | R | ICTS-TIFR (IN) |
Stefano | Dal Pra | INFN-CNAF |
Steffen | Grunewald | MPI Grav.Phys. (Albert Einstein Institute) |
Stephane | GERARD | Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Steve | Elliott | |
Stuart | Anderson | Caltech (US) |
Sudeep Narayan | Banerjee | indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar |
Thomas | Hartmann | DESY Hamburg |
Thomas | Kiesel | christmann informationstechnik + medien GmbH & Co. KG |
Tim | Theisen | University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Todd | Miller | UW-Madison |
Todd | Tannenbaum | University of Wisconsin Madison (US) |
Tomas | Linden | Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI) |
Tullio | Macorini | INFN TS |
Vanessa | Hamar | CC-IN2P3 |
Vikas | Singhal | Department of Atomic Energy (IN) |
Vikram | Gazula | University of Kentucky |
Vishal | Mahendra | SRM Institute of Science and Technology (IN) |
Werner | Koppelstätter | Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH |
Xavier | Ouvrard | CERN |
Zacarias | Benta | INCD |
Zach | Miller | Center for High-Throughput Computing |