BLonD code development meeting



Video conferencing only


BLonD pull request (Alex)

  • corrected beam generation from Joel
  • energy sampling for radial loop
  • to be checked by Kostis

Kostis: testing multi-GPU, -CPU simulations on Greek supercomputer


Renamings of RF objects/parameters

  • "_d" more explicit: "_design"
    • Already discussed last time
  • counter only in tracking objects? -- for now into tracker, later into assembler
    • Helga: should be modified by Assembler
    • Markus: had a problem with ghost particles, where both trackers modified the same counter
      • Add method to retrieve properties at a given moment (time or counter) -- both for Ring and RF
    • Simon: singleton object? to make sure only a single object can write into it
    • Kostis: singleton maybe not a good idea, in some cases
  • soft copies of Ring parameters into RF?
    • was used to have shortcut in e.g. tracker and other objects using it
    • Helga: make soft copies in the objects where they are needed for calculation?
    • Simon: make them a property? would not allow to modify them from another object
    • Alex: e.g. charge = Beam.Proton.charge shorthand notation is useful, because it is used in many objects
  • length_ratio: for now to Ring, and make it an array; check if any clash
  • phi_modulation, phi_noise
    • Helga: different objects act on different parts of the phase
    • Simon: should it be in BLonD common at all? not a tracking parameter
  • f_rf to be added for convenience?
    • Helga: was not added to save memory, natural for tracking
    • Alex: sometimes needed, make it a property?
      • f_rev in Ring as property


  • RFStation OK
  • RFSystem: Single, Full, how to combine?
    • For vector sum calculation, want to keep different inputs
    • Want to map real hardware
    • Have only one RFStation object, that can serve as RF harmonic, or single cavity-amplifier-feedback system -> add classmethods for vector sum etc.

Next meeting in 1 months: RFSystem pseudocode and go through remaining parameters

Markus: still working on synch rad, presentation will come

Panagiotis: had problem with runtime compilation in supercomputer; now also compilation before running


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:30 10:35
      News 5m
      Speakers: Aaron Farricker (CERN), Alexandre Lasheen (CERN), Giulia Papotti (CERN), Heiko Damerau (CERN), Ivan Karpov (CERN), Konstantinos Iliakis (CERN), Luis Eduardo Medina Medrano (CERN), Markus Schwarz (KIT), Panagiotis Tsapatsaris (NTUA), Simon Albright (CERN), Theodoros Argyropoulos (CERN)
    • 10:35 10:45
      Single/double precision tests 10m
      Speaker: Konstantinos Iliakis (CERN)
    • 10:45 11:00
      GPU development 15m
      Speaker: Panagiotis Tsapatsaris (NTUA)
    • 11:00 11:30
      BLonD/BLonD common integration 30m

      Pull request for Ring and RingSection

      Speakers: Alexandre Lasheen (CERN), Helga Timko (CERN), Konstantinos Iliakis (CERN), Simon Albright (CERN)