Key4hep Discussion



# Key4hep Live Notes

This is a document for taking notes during Key4hep meetings.

Date: July 14, 2020


Connected: Joseph, Tao, Thomas, Wenxing, Gerri, Valentin, Clement, Placido, Weidong, Jiaheng, Sang Hyun


## Communities Round Table

### K4FWCore used in FCCsw
* issue with root, see below

### Integration of Pandora
(see slides)
* PandoraPFAlg
* Using edm4hep data, Dataservice
* Gear or DD4hep geometry information
* Reconstruction for calorimeter block with DD4hep, CEPC detector from GEAR information
* Track information from silicon tracking
* Move repository to key4hep project

### LCFIplus/Vertexing/Tracking investigation

* Just feeding tracks into LCFIplus (plus b-field)
* Input just track parameters and covariance
* LCIO to EDM4hep conversion needed to integrate fully
* Also ACTS vertexing run with same tracks
* Try to get spacepoints and run pattern recognition+track fit


## Podio

## EDM4hep Output for Delphes

    * Ready for review

## Build system / Target compiler / dependencies

* Full Spack installation now available under /cvmfs/
* including Marlin, MarlinGaudiWrapper, FCCSW
* [ ] update documentation
* [ ]

* Docker container with ccache and sources in the works + distcc + squid for caching downloads
    * Link:  (folder cacher)

### Problem with Root (e.g., 6.20.04) and spack installed gcc

* Cannot create dictionaries
    * std headers not found
* Link to spack issue:

### CMake Template

## EDM4hep

* In order to use the weights, the master version is now deployed for CEPCSW. A new release of EDM4hep is required.
    * Wait for small PRs (dd4hep output module)
    * ~~Fix the linking (rootmap) problem~~
    * Not too urgent

## K4FWCore

* Problem with TTree:

## MarlinWrapper
* Fixes for the XML to python converter
* General improvements work in progress

## Delphes "Algorithm" to run from Gaudi

* Investigating services and algorithms to use
* Possibility found for going over all collections
    * Conversion service in Gaudi: convert arbitrary objects into other arbitrary objects
    * E.g., convert EDM4hep to LCIO , FCCedm to EDM4hep, etc.

## ACTS Integration with Key4hep

## Distributed Computing, Workload Management, Data Management

## Gaudi

## Geometry packages

## First release

* Content:
    * EDM4hep
    * K4FWCore: dataservice, +++
    * Marlin Wrapper
    * DD4hep plugin for EDM4hep output
    * Example
        * TODO: Simulate a few muons and reconstruct with MarlinWrapper
* How to tag releases
    * using release script from iLCSoft for individual packages

## AOB

* Proposal: discuss simulation programs
    * Gaussino
    * Gaudi integrations
    * ddsim

## Next meeting

* July 28, 2020

## Call for Logos


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:05
      Introduction 5m
    • 09:40 09:50
      Integration of Pandora 10m
      Speakers: Wenxing Fang, Wenxing Fang
    • 09:50 10:00
      Discussion 10m
      Speakers: Everyone, Valentin Volkl (University of Innsbruck (AT))