Development and electrical test of high field and current splices between Nb3Sn cables for particle accelerators magnets
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Abstract: In the frame of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) project, one of the designs foresees the use of more than 4000 Nb3Sn 16 T dipoles to reach 100 TeV collision particles energy. In order to make the project affordable, each dipole must be graded to optimize the use of Nb3Sn. The two cable grades are electrically connected by a splice. Such a “inter-grade” splice must be integrated in the dipole design and must have a sufficiently low electrical resistance, in order for the dipole not to quench. In the FCC dipoles, the inter-grade splice could be either outside (low magnetic field and forces) or inside the winding pack (high magnetic field and forces). Each configuration has pros, cons and challenges. The electrical resistance in FCC dipoles must be lower than 1 nΩ. Topic of this seminar is thus the development and test in SULTAN of such Nb3Sn splices at 4.5 K, 10.9 T and 15 kA.
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