9–11 Sept 2020
Durham University
Europe/London timezone

Calculating the QCD Primary Lund Jet Plane Density

9 Sept 2020, 14:00


Andrew Lifson (Lund University)


The primary Lund Jet Plane has for several decades been a powerful tool for jet parton showers, jet substructure, and resummation. In 2018, Dreyer, Salam, and Soyez promoted this tool to a substructure observable used to discriminate boosted electroweak particles from the QCD background. Recently, Salam, Soyez, and I calculated the QCD density of emissions at next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. This talk will focus on the recent work available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.06578, part of which formed my master's thesis in 2018.


Andrew Lifson (Lund University)

Presentation materials