9–11 Sept 2020
Durham University
Europe/London timezone

Efficient Multi-Jet Merging at High Multiplicities

9 Sept 2020, 15:40


Christian Preuss (Monash University)


I will present an implementation of the CKKW-L multi-jet merging technique to so-called sector showers as implemented in the Vincia antenna shower. The bijective nature of sector showers allows for efficient multi-jet merging at high multiplicities, as any given configuration possesses only a single shower history. After briefly reviewing the idea of sector showers, I will demonstrate that the complexity of constructing histories for these develops only an effective linear scaling with the number of final-state particles. Using the example of weak boson+jets at the LHC, I will demonstrate that the overall event generation time and the memory footprint of the new implementation remain approximately constant when including additional jets. This talk will be based on arxiv.org/abs/2008.09468.


Christian Preuss (Monash University)


Dr Helen Brooks Peter Skands (Monash University (AU))

Presentation materials