August 14, 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

How to connect?
Join us via our Zoom room:

Meeting ID: 994 9594 3593
Password: 912164

Speaker: Mikhail Mikhasenko

Intro: Strong interaction at the low energy features a spectacular phenomenon of the formation of the hadrons states. In addition to the well-known ground hadrons, e.g. $p$, $\pi$, $D$ meson, and $\Lambda_b$ baryon, a rich spectrum of their radial and orbital excitations are abundantly populated. The excited hadrons are reminiscent of the ground states but different in size, heavier in their mass, and often very short-lived.
Over the last years, strong evidence is accumulated that the hadron spectrum is even richer and includes peculiar constructions as pentaquarks, tetraquarks, hybrids, and others, all known as the exotic states.

The main difficulty of hadronic physics is the "strong" interaction: 
at the low-energy regime, the perturbation theory becomes nonconvergent. In the workshop, I will discuss general methods used for the study of the hadrons based on the alternative approach, the reaction theory.

I will introduce the main concepts and the methods via a series of interactive examples hosted in the exploratory environment of executable Jupyther/Pluto notebooks with Julia code.

Keywords: Reaction theory, hadronic resonances, amplitude analysis, partial wave analysis, Dalitz-plot analysis, helicity formalism.


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Please note that registration closes 24h prior to the session. Students who have registered will receive a reminder of this session.
