22–23 Sept 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

The purpose of this event is to introduce the participants to the FCC Software status and plans and the current use of it.

The structure of the events will be:

   - Day 1, 22 September 2020, afternoon CET: technical overview, Delphes tutorial 1

   - Day 2, 23 September 2020, afternoon CET: Delphes tutorial 2, Full simulation 1

   - Day 3, 29 September 2020, afternoon CET: Full simulation 2, Full simulation 3

The hands-on will focus on how to use the existing software to perform an analysis and on some selected development examples. 

The minimal computing requirements to participate in the tutorial are a CERN computing account. For those without access to such resources, the OSG has kindly offered to provide support. An account on “Snowmass-Connect” can be requested at https://connect.snowmass21.io/.  Documentation for this service is available at https://maniaclab.uchicago.edu/snowmass-connect-docs/.  Support related to this service is available through a dedicated slack channel https://snowmass2021.slack.com/archives/C019UAV3YQL.
Please contact the organisers at fcc-software-workshop@cern.ch for help or questions related to this.

A mattermost channel is available to ask questions, especially for people following remotely: https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/fccsw/channels/fcc-sw-workshop


Zoom password: 012060
