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CERN Colloquium

QUANTUM SENSORS of the DARK and EARLY UNIVERSE: Exploiting Quantum Entanglement in the Laboratory for Detection of Particles and Fields Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) and signals from Very Early Universe

by Prof. Swapan Chattopadhyay (Distinguished Scientist, Fermilab, USA and President’s Professor of Research, Scholarship and Artistry Northern Illinois University, USA )

Remote only (CERN)

Remote only



After an introduction of the extraordinary success of large particle accelerators, colliders and  classical detectors of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries in developing the now widely accepted Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, I will introduce and expose the basic  concepts and techniques of quantum sensors, illustrate “quantum entanglement” at work  around us and its controlled exploitation in the laboratory to detect with high precision very weak signals of exotic particles and fields that may exist Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) and  signals from the emerging early and dark universe.

Our immediate familiar natural world as well as our known universe, as it supposedly emerged 
from the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago, are "quantum-entangled" from the microscopic to the macroscopic scale, from the "inner" to the "outer" dimensions. This fundamental "quantum entanglement" can be harnessed to sense and probe extremely "weak" processes and signals in nature around us signals left over from the very early and dark universe, allowing us to be  cosmic archaeologists. Today, quantum science and engineering have progressed to the point that we can contemplate creating such quantum entanglement in our laboratory itself -- novel correlated bulk materials, atomic and molecular condensates/clocks/interferometers,  cavity-qubit  electrodynamic systems etc. --- which exhibit quantum coherence and entanglement on a macroscopic scale. These have extraordinary potential as extremely high precision detectors of weak primordial signals (dark matter, dark energy, cosmic gravitational wave background, etc.). 


Password: 160810


Organised by

Wolfgang Lerche / TH-SP