16โ€“20 Apr 2007
Holiday Inn Munich City Centre & Gasteig Conference Center
Europe/Zurich timezone

Contribution List

262 / 262
Yuri Dokshitzer
16/04/2007, 09:15
Cristinel Diaconu
16/04/2007, 09:45
Massimo Corradi
16/04/2007, 10:15
Andreas Vogt
16/04/2007, 11:15
Jรถrg Pretz
16/04/2007, 11:45
Zoltan Nagy (CERN)
16/04/2007, 12:15
Zein-Eddine Meziani (Temple)
16/04/2007, 14:00
Peter Weisz
16/04/2007, 14:30
Giorgio Chiarelli
16/04/2007, 15:00
Gustav Kramer
16/04/2007, 15:30
William Zajc
16/04/2007, 16:30
Raju Venugopalan
16/04/2007, 17:00
Johanna Erdmenger
16/04/2007, 17:30
Andrea Vargas (DESY)
17/04/2007, 09:00
Structure Functions and Low-x
Johannes Blรผmlein (Desy Zeuthen)
17/04/2007, 09:00
Spin Physics
Overview on polarised PDFs
Katerina Lipka (DESY)
17/04/2007, 09:20
Heavy Flavors
Aude Gehrmann (ETH, Zuerich)
17/04/2007, 09:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Status of e+e- to 3 jets at NNLO
Shima Shimizu (University of Tokyo)
17/04/2007, 09:20
Structure Functions and Low-x
Daniel Nicholass (UCL London)
17/04/2007, 09:40
Heavy Flavors
Natasa Raicevic (University of Montenegro)
17/04/2007, 09:40
Structure Functions and Low-x
Jaroslaw Lukasik (DESY / AGH-UST Cracow)
17/04/2007, 09:40
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Inclusive Diffraction (LPS and LRG)
Katharina Mueller (University Zuerich)
17/04/2007, 09:40
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Isolated photons in DIS at HERA (H1)
Sebastian Schmidt (DESY)
17/04/2007, 10:00
Heavy Flavors
Aidan Robson (Glasgow University)
17/04/2007, 10:00
Structure Functions and Low-x
Matthias Mozer (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, IIHE - ELEM)
17/04/2007, 10:00
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Diffractive Dijets in DIS and PHP
Terrence Toole (University of Maryland)
17/04/2007, 10:20
Structure Functions and Low-x
Max Klein (University of Liverpool)
17/04/2007, 11:10
Structure Functions and Low-x
Johannes Blรผmlein (DESY)
17/04/2007, 11:10
Heavy Flavors
Christophe Royon (DAPNIA-SPP, CEA Saclay)
17/04/2007, 11:10
Mr Hanno Perrey (Hamburg University)
17/04/2007, 11:30
Hadronic Final States and QCD
High-Et jets in Photoproduction (ZEUS)
Robert Thorne (University College London)
17/04/2007, 11:30
Structure Functions and Low-x
Kamal K. Seth (Northwestern Univ.)
17/04/2007, 11:35
Heavy Flavors
Jochen Cammin (Univ. Rochester)
17/04/2007, 11:50
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Jet Production Measurements at D0
Wu-Ki Tung (Washington University)
17/04/2007, 11:50
Structure Functions and Low-x
Burkard Reisert (MPI Mรผnchen)
17/04/2007, 12:05
Heavy Flavors
Sergei Alekhin (Institute for High Energy Physics, Protivino)
17/04/2007, 12:10
Structure Functions and Low-x
Amanda Cooper-Sarkar (University of Oxford)
17/04/2007, 12:30
Structure Functions and Low-x
Wu-Ki Tung (Washington University)
17/04/2007, 12:35
Heavy Flavors
Homer Wolfe (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
17/04/2007, 14:00
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Charged Current jets in HERA II (ZEUS)
William Schmidke (MPI for Physics, Munich)
17/04/2007, 14:00
Christina Mesropian (Rockefeller University, New York)
17/04/2007, 14:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Recent results on diffraction with CDF
Andre Mischke (Univ. Utrecht)
17/04/2007, 15:00
Heavy Flavors
Yazid Delenda (The University of Manchester)
17/04/2007, 15:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Dijet azimuthal correlations in QCD hard processes
Robert Harlander (Bergische Universitรคt Wuppertal)
17/04/2007, 16:10
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Dimensional reduction applied to QCD at three loops
Jean-Marc Richard (LPSC Grenoble)
17/04/2007, 16:10
Heavy Flavors
Martin Heck (IEKP Karlsruhe)
17/04/2007, 16:40
Heavy Flavors
Vincent Poireau (LAPP Annecy)
17/04/2007, 17:00
Heavy Flavors
Robert Kehoe (Southern Methodist Univ.)
17/04/2007, 17:20
Heavy Flavors
Ivo Eschrich (UC Irvine)
17/04/2007, 17:50
Heavy Flavors
Siegfried Bethke (MPI for Physics, Munich)
17/04/2007, 18:30
Johannes Blรผmlein (Desy Zeuthen)
17/04/2007, 19:00
Yurii Maravin (Kansas State University, DZERO)
18/04/2007, 09:00
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Diboson physics at Tevatron
Katja Krรผger (Univ. Heidelberg)
18/04/2007, 09:00
Heavy Flavors
Grazyna Nowak (The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Science)
18/04/2007, 09:00
Structure Functions and Low-x
Aharon Levy (DESY / Tel Aviv University)
18/04/2007, 09:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Exclusive Vector Meson production
Lev Khein (Moscow State University)
18/04/2007, 09:20
Structure Functions and Low-x
Lester Pinera (University of Florida)
18/04/2007, 09:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Jet fragmentation studies at CDF
Sarah Malik (UC London, CDF)
18/04/2007, 09:20
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
W mass (and width) from Tevatron
Antonello Sbrizzi (INFN Bologna)
18/04/2007, 09:30
Heavy Flavors
Christophe Royon (DAPNIA-SPP, CEA Saclay)
18/04/2007, 09:40
Structure Functions and Low-x
Cecilia Gerber (University of Illinois, Chicago, DZERO)
18/04/2007, 09:40
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Top cross-section and production properties
Robert Peschanski (Service de Physique Thรฉorique, Saclay)
18/04/2007, 09:40
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
VM production from non-forward BK equation
Galina Pakhlova (ITEP Moscow)
18/04/2007, 09:50
Heavy Flavors
Tom Danielson (University of Wisconsin)
18/04/2007, 10:00
Structure Functions and Low-x
Jeannine Wagner (TU Karlsruhe, CDF)
18/04/2007, 10:00
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Top mass and decay properties
Dima Ivanov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)
18/04/2007, 10:00
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Vector Meson production from NLL BFKL
Emil Avsar (Lund University)
18/04/2007, 10:20
Structure Functions and Low-x
Alistair Hart (Univ. Edinburgh)
18/04/2007, 10:20
Heavy Flavors
Lev Lipatov (Hamburg University)
18/04/2007, 11:10
Structure Functions and Low-x
Shabnam Jabeen (Boston University, DZERO)
18/04/2007, 11:10
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Evidence for single top production
Francesco Tramontano (Universita di Napoli)
18/04/2007, 11:30
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Single top studies with MCFM
Arif Shoshi (Bielefeld University)
18/04/2007, 11:50
Structure Functions and Low-x
Patrizia Rossi (INFN)
18/04/2007, 12:00
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Pentaquark search at CLAS
Anne-Catherine Le Bihan (CERN, ATLAS)
18/04/2007, 12:10
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
First physics at ATLAS (incl. EW+top)
Michael Lublinsky (Stony Brook University)
18/04/2007, 12:10
Structure Functions and Low-x
Mark Heinz (Yale University)
18/04/2007, 12:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Recent results from STAR
Nikolai Zotov (SINP, Moscow State University)
18/04/2007, 12:30
Structure Functions and Low-x
Frank-Peter Schilling (TU Karlsruhe, CMS)
18/04/2007, 12:30
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
First physics at CMS (incl. EW+top)
William Detmold (University of Washington)
18/04/2007, 14:00
Structure Functions and Low-x
Isamu Nakamura (KEK, Belle)
18/04/2007, 14:00
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Measurements of the CKM sides at the B factories
Olaf Behnke (University of Heidelberg)
18/04/2007, 14:00
Future of DIS
Nick Barlow (University of Manchester, BaBar)
18/04/2007, 14:20
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Measurements of angles of the unitarity triangle
Amanda Cooper-Sarkar (University of Oxford)
18/04/2007, 14:20
Future of DIS
Thierry Gousset (Subatech-Universite de Nantes)
18/04/2007, 14:20
Structure Functions and Low-x
Hisaki Hayashii (Nara, Belle)
18/04/2007, 14:40
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Tau physics at the B factories
Un ki Yang (University of Manchester)
18/04/2007, 14:40
Structure Functions and Low-x
Max Klein (University of Liverpool)
18/04/2007, 14:45
Future of DIS
Chris White (NIKHEF)
18/04/2007, 15:00
Structure Functions and Low-x
Zoltan Nagy (CERN)
18/04/2007, 15:00
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Parton shower as QCD prediction
Zein-Eddine Meziani (Temple University)
18/04/2007, 15:10
Future of DIS
Agustin Sabio Vera (CERN)
18/04/2007, 15:20
Structure Functions and Low-x
Fritz-Herbert Heinsius (Universitaet Bochum)
18/04/2007, 16:10
Future of DIS
Rocio Vilar (IFCA, CDF)
18/04/2007, 16:10
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
SM Higgs searches at Tevatron
C.-P. Yuan (Michigan State University)
18/04/2007, 16:10
Structure Functions and Low-x
Antje Bruell (Jefferson Lab)
18/04/2007, 16:25
Future of DIS
Robert Thorne (University of College London)
18/04/2007, 16:30
Structure Functions and Low-x
Raimund Stroehmer (LMU Munich, DZERO)
18/04/2007, 16:30
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Searches for SUSY at Tevatron (incl. SUSY Higgs)
C.-P. Yuan (Michigan State University)
18/04/2007, 16:50
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Impact of new PDF sets on searches at the LHC
Dominik Gabbert (DESY Zeuthen)
18/04/2007, 16:50
Structure Functions and Low-x
Bjoern Seitz (University of Glasgow)
18/04/2007, 16:55
Future of DIS
Juan Rojo-Chacon (LPTHE)
18/04/2007, 17:10
Structure Functions and Low-x
Daniela Rebuzzi (University of Pavia, ATLAS)
18/04/2007, 17:10
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Prospects for Higgs and BSM searches at LHC
Emmanuelle Perez (CERN)
18/04/2007, 17:15
Future of DIS
Simonetta Liuti (University of Virginia)
18/04/2007, 17:30
Structure Functions and Low-x
Alexei Raspereza (MPI Munich)
18/04/2007, 17:35
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
ILC physics prospects
Krishna Kumar (University of Massachusetts)
18/04/2007, 17:40
Future of DIS
Christian Pisano (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
18/04/2007, 17:50
Structure Functions and Low-x
Laurent Schoeffel (CEA Saclay)
19/04/2007, 09:00
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Achim Geiser (DESY)
19/04/2007, 09:00
Heavy Flavors
Stefan Schlenstedt (DESY Zeuthen, ZEUS)
19/04/2007, 09:00
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Search for contact interactions in ep collisions at ZEUS
Steven Heppelmann (Penn State)
19/04/2007, 09:00
Future of DIS
David d'Enterria (CERN)
19/04/2007, 09:20
Future of DIS
Benjamin Kahle (DESY)
19/04/2007, 09:35
Heavy Flavors
Bernd Surrow (MIT)
19/04/2007, 09:50
Future of DIS
Marjorie Corcoran (Rice University)
19/04/2007, 09:55
Heavy Flavors
Gerhard Brandt (University of Heidelberg, H1)
19/04/2007, 10:00
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Multi-lepton production in ep collisions at H1
Paul Newman (University of Birmingham)
19/04/2007, 10:10
Future of DIS
Martin zur Nedden (Humboldt Univ. Berlin)
19/04/2007, 10:15
Heavy Flavors
Ota Osamu (Tokyo Metropolitan University, ZEUS)
19/04/2007, 10:20
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Dilepton production in ep collisions at ZEUS
Emmanuel Sauvan (CPP Marseille, H1)
19/04/2007, 11:10
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
A general search for new phenomena at HERA
Emanuele Santovetti (INFN - Rome II)
19/04/2007, 11:10
Heavy Flavors
Allison Lung (Jefferson Lab)
19/04/2007, 11:10
Future of DIS
Laurent Favart (Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
19/04/2007, 11:10
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Status of the H1 Very Forward Proton Spectrometer
Sam Aronson (BNL)
19/04/2007, 11:35
Future of DIS
Attila Krasznahorkay (CERN)
19/04/2007, 11:40
Heavy Flavors
Ana Dubak (University of Montenegro/MPI Munich, H1)
19/04/2007, 11:50
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Search for leptoquarks in ep collisions at H1
John Dainton (Cockcroft Institute and University of Liverpool)
19/04/2007, 12:00
Future of DIS
Andy Pilkington (University of Manchester)
19/04/2007, 12:05
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Status of FP420 R&D project
Tim Greenshaw (Univ. Liverpool)
19/04/2007, 12:10
Heavy Flavors
Nguyet Trinh (CPP Marseille, H1)
19/04/2007, 12:10
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Search for excited leptons in ep collisions at H1
Christophe Royon (DAPNIA-SPP, CEA Saclay)
19/04/2007, 12:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
High mass diffractive physics at the LHC
David Stuart (UC Santa Barbara, CDF)
19/04/2007, 12:30
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Non-SUSY searches at Tevatron
Sven-Olaf Moch (DESY-Zeuthen)
20/04/2007, 09:00
Joel Feltesse
20/04/2007, 11:45
Alexander Savin (University of Wisconsin,Madison), Giulia Zanderighi (CERN)
20/04/2007, 14:00
Benno List (Hamburg), Michael Klasen (Grenoble)
20/04/2007, 14:45
Daniel Boer (Amsterdam), Delia Hash (Frascati)
20/04/2007, 16:00
Graham Ross
20/04/2007, 16:45
Prof. Allen Caldwell (MPI for Physics, Munich)
20/04/2007, 17:30