Michael Lublinsky
(Stony Brook University)
17/04/2007, 09:00
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Diffraction and Multiple Gluon Production from JIMWaLK formalism
Attila Krasznahorkay
17/04/2007, 09:00
Hadronic Final States and QCD
High momentum hadron and jet production in photon-photon collisions (LEP2)
Bernd Loehr
17/04/2007, 09:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Inclusive Diffraction using the Mx method
Aude Gehrmann
(ETH, Zuerich)
17/04/2007, 09:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Status of e+e- to 3 jets at NNLO
Krzysztof Kurek
(Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies)
17/04/2007, 09:20
Spin Physics
Results on the deuteron longitudinal inclusive spin-dependent asymmetryA_1^d
and the spindependentstructure function g_1^d are presented. The data have been
collected by the COMPASS experiment at CERN during the years 2002-2004 using 160
GeV/c polarised muon
beam scattered off a polarised 6LiD target. The obtained values for Gamma_1^d, the
first moment of g_1^d(x), and for the...
Shima Shimizu
(University of Tokyo)
17/04/2007, 09:20
Structure Functions and Low-x
Jaroslaw Lukasik
(DESY / AGH-UST Cracow)
17/04/2007, 09:40
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Inclusive Diffraction (LPS and LRG)
Katharina Mueller
(University Zuerich)
17/04/2007, 09:40
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Isolated photons in DIS at HERA (H1)
Lara De Nardo
17/04/2007, 09:40
Spin Physics
Precise measurements of the spin structure functions $g_1^^p(x,Q2)$ and
$g_1^n(x,Q2)$ are presented over the kinematic range 0.0041 $\leq x
\leq $ 0.9 and 0.18 GeV$^2$ $\leq Q2 \leq $ 20 GeV$^2$. The data were
collected at the HERMES experiment at DESY, in deep-inelastic scattering
of 27.6 GeV longitudinally polarized positrons off longitudinally
polarized hydrogen and deuterium gas...
Aidan Robson
(Glasgow University)
17/04/2007, 10:00
Structure Functions and Low-x
Matthias Mozer
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, IIHE - ELEM)
17/04/2007, 10:00
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Diffractive Dijets in DIS and PHP
Sergei Chekanov
17/04/2007, 10:00
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Measurement of prompt photons with associated jets in photoproduction at HERA (ZEUS)
Dimitar Stamenov
(INRNE, Sofia)
17/04/2007, 10:00
Spin Physics
The results of a new NLO QCD analysis of the world data on inclusive
polarized DIS are presented. The very precise CLAS proton and
deuteron data, as well as the latest COMPASS data on the asymmetry
$A_1^d$ were included in the analysis, and the impact of these data
on polarized parton densities and higher twist effects has been
studied. It is demonstrated that the low Q^2 CLAS data...
Terrence Toole
(University of Maryland)
17/04/2007, 10:20
Structure Functions and Low-x
Oleksiy Atramentov
(Florida State University)
17/04/2007, 10:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
D0 measurement of triple differential photon+jet cross sections
Yuji Yamazaki
17/04/2007, 10:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Dijet Production in Diffraction (DIS and PHP)
Keith Griffioen
(College of William & Mary)
17/04/2007, 10:20
Spin Physics
The CLAS Collaboration at Jefferson Lab has a sustained and comprehensive program
measuring the spin structure function g_1 for the proton and deuteron at low and
intermediate Q2. Precise data with extensive kinematic coverage allow us to better
constrain the polarized parton distributions and to accurately determine various
moments of g_1 as a function of Q2. Our latest results will be...
Alexander Savin
(University of Wisconsin,Madison)
17/04/2007, 11:10
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Multijets and jets with rapidity gaps in Photoproduction (ZEUS)
(University of Regensburg)
17/04/2007, 11:10
Spin Physics
We consider the photoproduction of two hadrons in polarized lepton-nucleon
collisions in the framework of perturbative QCD. After illustrating how to
obtain the experimentally relevant observables a detailed phenomenological
study of the photoproduction of hadron pairs at high transverse momenta is
presented. We show theoretical predictions for the relevant cross sections
and double-spin...
Christophe Royon
17/04/2007, 11:10
Patricia Liebing
17/04/2007, 11:30
Spin Physics
HERMES has used a high statistics data sample of charged inclusive hadrons to
measure double spin asymmetries as a function of p_T. From these asymmetries
Delta g/g has been extracted in the region of 1<p_T<2 GeV, corresponding
to x\approx0.2-0.3 The information on the background asymmetry and the
subprocess kinematics has been obtained from a Leading Order Monte Carlo
model and...
Hanno Perrey
(Hamburg University)
17/04/2007, 11:30
Hadronic Final States and QCD
High-Et jets in Photoproduction (ZEUS)
Dieter Schildknecht
(University of Bielefeld and MPI Munich)
17/04/2007, 11:30
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Dear organizers,
I would be happy to present a contribution
"on the ratio of Sigma(long.) to Sigma(trans.)
in Dis at low x" , i.e. F(long), predictions based
on unpublished investigations by Kuroda and myself.
For my earlier related work kindly look at
e.g. hep ph/0607031, hep ph 0511091, and
hep ph/ 0203028 etc.
In view of the measurements being prepared at Hera
on the long....
Susanne Koblitz
(Institut fuer Kernphysik / Universitaet Mainz)
17/04/2007, 11:50
Spin Physics
One of the main goals of the COMPASS experiment at CERN is the
determination of the gluon polarisation in the nucleon, Delta G/G.
It is determined from spin asymmetries measured in the scattering of
160GeV/c polarised muons on a polarised LiD target.
The gluon is accessed by the selection of photon-gluon fusion
events. A selection of PGF events can be obtained with charmed
mesons in the...
Francesco Hautmann
17/04/2007, 11:50
Jochen Cammin
(Univ. Rochester)
17/04/2007, 11:50
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Jet Production Measurements at D0
Giulia Zanderighi
17/04/2007, 12:10
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Accurate predictions for b-jets at the Tevatron and LHC
Sergei Alekhin
(Institute for High Energy Physics, Protivino)
17/04/2007, 12:10
Structure Functions and Low-x
Carlo Ewerz
(ECT* Trento)
17/04/2007, 12:10
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Photoproduction of pi0 at HERA and the Odderon
Kensuke Okada
(Riken / BNL)
17/04/2007, 12:10
Spin Physics
To study the proton spin structure, the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
(RHIC) at BNL provides a unique opportunity by colliding polarized protons.
The hard subprocesses in proton-proton collisions involve gluons in
leading order, therefore measurements of cross section asymmetries
between aligned and anti aligned proton helicities give us information
about the spin dependent gluon...
Amanda Cooper-Sarkar
(University of Oxford)
17/04/2007, 12:30
Structure Functions and Low-x
Renee Fatemi
17/04/2007, 12:30
Spin Physics
Recent STAR results on jet production in polarized p+p collisions at 200GeV at RHIC
Sofia Vallecorsa
(University of Geneva)
17/04/2007, 12:30
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Measurement of the bb-bar jet cross section (CDF)
Wu-Ki Tung
(Washington University)
17/04/2007, 12:35
Heavy Flavors
Homer Wolfe
(University of Wisconsin, Madison)
17/04/2007, 14:00
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Charged Current jets in HERA II (ZEUS)
Ermias T. Atomssa
(LLR, Ecole Polytechnique)
17/04/2007, 14:00
Heavy Flavors
Heavy ion collisions provide a unique experimental way to create and characterize the
hot and dense matter that lattice QCD predicts to be produced at high energy density
and temperature. Products of hard processes, which take place in the early stage of
the collision, are highly sensitive probes to the evolution of the created system.
Suppression of the quarkonium J/\psi, which...
William Schmidke
(MPI for Physics, Munich)
17/04/2007, 14:00
Frank Simon
17/04/2007, 14:00
Spin Physics
Recent STAR results on hadron production in polarized p+p collisions at 200GeV at RHIC
Monica D'Onofrio
(IFAE Barcelona)
17/04/2007, 14:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Measurements of W+jet(s) and Z+jet(s) production cross sections at CDF
Christina Mesropian
(Rockefeller University, New York)
17/04/2007, 14:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Recent results on diffraction with CDF
Alexander Korzenev
(Mainz University)
17/04/2007, 14:20
Spin Physics
A first evaluation of the polarized valence quark
distribution\Delta u_v(x)+Delta d_v(x) from the COMPASS
experiment (CERN/SPS) is presented. The data were collected
by COMPASS in the years 2002--2004 using a 160 GeV polarized
muon beam scattered off a large polarized 6LiD target and
cover the range 1< Q2 < 100(GeV/c)2 and $0.006<x<0.7.
The analysis is based on the difference...
Donald Hornback
(Univ. Tennessee)
17/04/2007, 14:30
Heavy Flavors
The measurement of heavy flavor production at \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV
in both p+p and Au+Au collisions by the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC
provides for complimentary physics exploration in differing collision
environments. The measurement of single leptons resulting from the
semi-leptonic decay of heavy flavor (charm and bottom) mesons in p+p
collisions permits tests of pQCD predictions at...
Alessandro Vicini
(Milano University)
17/04/2007, 14:40
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Combining QCD and electroweak corrections to W-boson production at hadron colliders
Andy Pilkington
(University of Manchester)
17/04/2007, 14:40
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
New theoretical results in central exclusive diffractive processes
Philip Cole
(Idaho State University)
17/04/2007, 14:40
Spin Physics
A comprehensive program with polarized electron and photon probes
with unpolarized and polarized proton and duteron targets is undergoing
at JLab. Results and perspectives will be reported.
Christian Weiss
17/04/2007, 15:00
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Diffractive pp scattering and the unitarity limit
Karl Slifer
(University of Virginia)
17/04/2007, 15:00
Spin Physics
We have measured the spin structure of the nucleon in the region
of the resonances (final state mass W <2 GeV) at intermediate
four-momentum transfer Q2 ~ 1.3 (GeV/c)2. Double-spin inclusive
asymmetries for longitudinally polarized 5.75 GeV electrons incident
on longitudinal and transverse solid polarized targets were measured
in Jefferson Lab's Hall C. Frozen ammonia and deuterated...
Voica Radescu
17/04/2007, 15:00
Structure Functions and Low-x
Elias Ron
17/04/2007, 15:00
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Subjet distributions and three jets angular correlations in DIS (ZEUS)
Yazid Delenda
(The University of Manchester)
17/04/2007, 15:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Dijet azimuthal correlations in QCD hard processes
Boris Ermolaev
(Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute)
17/04/2007, 15:20
Spin Physics
Standard Approach (SA) for description of $g_1$ is based on the
DGLAP evolution equations and the special fits for the initial parton
densities. SA accounts for the total resummation of logs of $Q2$ and
lacks the total resummation of leading $ln(1/x)$. In order to meet the
small -$x$ experimental data, SA includes phenomenological singular
factors in the fits. They mimic the...
Robert Harlander
(Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
17/04/2007, 16:10
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Dimensional reduction applied to QCD at three loops
Ralf Seidl
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
17/04/2007, 16:10
Spin Physics
In order to obtain precise information on helicity and transversity
distributions from semi-inclusive measurements in DIS and proton-proton
collisions a good knowledge of fragmentation functions is necessary.
The Belle experiment at the asymmetric e+e- collider KEKB can provide precise
spin averaged and spin dependent fragmentation functions such as the Collins
function and the...
Henri Kowalski
17/04/2007, 16:10
Joint: SF / DIFF
Saturation model for exclusive processes at HERA, DVCS, F2, including evolution and
the impact parameter dependence
Markus Diefenthaler
(Physikalisches Institut II, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität)
17/04/2007, 16:30
Spin Physics
In 2005 the HERMES collaboration published first evidence for azimuthal
single-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive production of charged pions on
a transversely polarised hydrogen target.
The measured asymmetries are caused by both the Collins and the Sivers
mechanisms. Their distinctive Fourier components provide signals to
previously unmeasured quantities: the transversity quark...
Johannes Blümlein
(Desy Zeuthen)
17/04/2007, 16:30
Joint: SF / DIFF
Target mass corrections to deep inelastic diffractive scattering
Thomas Kluge
17/04/2007, 16:50
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Inclusive Jet Production in DIS at High Q2 and extraction of alphas HERAI+HERAII (H1)
Andrea Bressan
(INFN Trieste)
17/04/2007, 16:50
Spin Physics
The CERN COMPASS experiment is on the floor collecting data since 2002; in the years
2003, and 2004 data were collected using a 160 GeV polarized muon beam and a 6LiD
polarized target. In about 20% of the running time the target polarisation was
oriented transversely with respect to the muon beam direction to measure transverse
spin effects in semi inclusive deep inelastic...
Thomas Teubner
(University of Liverpool)
17/04/2007, 16:50
Joint: SF / DIFF
Small x gluon from exclusive J/psi production
Andre Utermann
(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
17/04/2007, 17:10
Joint: SF / DIFF
Compatibility of phenomelogical dipole cross sections with the BK equation
Artem Baghdasaryan
(Yerevan Physics Institute)
17/04/2007, 17:10
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Inclusive and Multi Jet Production in DIS at Low Q2 and extraction of alphas at HERA (H1)
Umberto D'Alesio
(Dipartimento di Fisica, Cagliari University)
17/04/2007, 17:10
Spin Physics
We present a global analysis of azimuthal asymmetries in e^+e^- -> h_1 h_2 X
processes (BELLE data) and in semi-inclusive deep inelasticscattering (HERMES and
COMPASS data). It results in the extraction of the Collins fragmentation function and
of the transversity distribution function for u and d quarks. Theseturn out to have
opposite signs and to be sizably smaller than...
Thomas Schoerner-Sadenius
(Hamburg University)
17/04/2007, 17:30
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Inclusive jets and dijets in DIS and Jet radius dependence and alpha_s (ZEUS)
Leonard Gamberg
(Penn State Berks, Dept. of Physics)
17/04/2007, 17:30
Spin Physics
This talk will focus on transverse quark spin effects
in SIDIS. I will discuss the theoretical T-odd input
to the cos 2\phi azimuthal asymmetry as well as new work
on the Collins function and the Boer Mulders function,
the essential TMD inputs to this asymmetry.
We will present new estimates of the cos2\phi asymmetry as
a function of P_T, x, and z. I will also talk a bit about the...
Robert Peschanski
(Service de Physique Théorique, Saclay)
17/04/2007, 17:30
Joint: SF / DIFF
Universality of QCD traveling waves with running coupling
17/04/2007, 17:50
Siegfried Bethke
(MPI for Physics, Munich)
17/04/2007, 18:30
Claudia Glasman
17/04/2007, 18:40
Thomas Kluge
17/04/2007, 18:50
Yurii Maravin
(Kansas State University, DZERO)
18/04/2007, 09:00
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Diboson physics at Tevatron
Cyrille Marquet
18/04/2007, 09:00
Sakar Osman
(University of Lund)
18/04/2007, 09:00
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Mini Jets and a study of the Underlying events in DIS at HERA (H1)
Grazyna Nowak
(The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Science)
18/04/2007, 09:00
Structure Functions and Low-x
Aharon Levy
(DESY / Tel Aviv University)
18/04/2007, 09:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Exclusive Vector Meson production
Lester Pinera
(University of Florida)
18/04/2007, 09:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Jet fragmentation studies at CDF
Sarah Malik
(UC London, CDF)
18/04/2007, 09:20
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
W mass (and width) from Tevatron
Daniel Clements
(University of Glasgow)
18/04/2007, 09:40
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Prospects for inclusive jet cross section measurement with early data in ATLAS
Cecilia Gerber
(University of Illinois, Chicago, DZERO)
18/04/2007, 09:40
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Top cross-section and production properties
Robert Peschanski
(Service de Physique Théorique, Saclay)
18/04/2007, 09:40
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
VM production from non-forward BK equation
Mrinal Dasgupta
(The University of Manchester)
18/04/2007, 10:00
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Angular ordering and parton showers for non-global QCD observables
Jeannine Wagner
(TU Karlsruhe, CDF)
18/04/2007, 10:00
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Top mass and decay properties
Dima Ivanov
(Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)
18/04/2007, 10:00
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Vector Meson production from NLL BFKL
Lorenzo Magnea
(University of Turin)
18/04/2007, 10:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Power corrections for jet distributions at hadron colliders
Patrick Motylinski
18/04/2007, 10:20
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Single top physics and spin correlations with MC@NLO
Peter Kroll
18/04/2007, 10:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
The longitudinal cross section of VM electroproduction
Andrea BANFI
(Universita' Milano-Bicocca)
18/04/2007, 10:40
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Three-jet event-shapes: first NLO+NLL+1/Q results
Shabnam Jabeen
(Boston University, DZERO)
18/04/2007, 11:10
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Evidence for single top production
Michael Steder
(Univ. Hamburg)
18/04/2007, 11:10
Joint: HFL / DIFF
Inelastic J/psi in DIS (new HERA-II)
Yury Naryshkin
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
18/04/2007, 11:10
Spin Physics
Transverse Lambda and Lambda-bar polarization produced inclusively in quasi-real
photon-nucleon scattering have been studied in the HERMES experiment using a 27.6 GeV
positron beam incident on hydrogen and deuterium gas targets. The average transverse
polarizations were found to be P^{Lambda}_n = 0.078 +- 0.006(stat) +- 0.012(syst)
and P^{bar Lambda}_n = -0.025 +- 0.015(stat) +-0.018...
Sergei Chekanov
18/04/2007, 11:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Observation of (anti)deuterons in DIS (ZEUS)
Benjamin Basso
(LPT, Orsay)
18/04/2007, 11:30
Structure Functions and Low-x
Anomalous dimensions of high-spin operators beyond the leading order
Vladimir Saleev
(Samara State Univ.)
18/04/2007, 11:30
Joint: HFL / DIFF
Bottonium production in the Regge limit
Francesco Tramontano
(Universita di Napoli)
18/04/2007, 11:30
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Single top studies with MCFM
K. Oleg Eyser
(UC Riverside, DESY)
18/04/2007, 11:30
Spin Physics
With recent experimental measurements of various asymmetries at HERMES[1], Belle[2],
STAR[3], and BRAHMS[4] there has been a growing interest in the understanding of the
transversely polarized proton structure. Theoretical explanations include different
mechanisms, such as effects from the Sivers function, the Collins effect, higher
twist contributions, or combinations of all of the above....
Marc Del Degan
(ETH Zurich)
18/04/2007, 11:40
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Search for baryonic states decaying to Xipi in DIS at HERA (H1)
Isabell Melzer
18/04/2007, 11:50
Joint: HFL / DIFF
Charm production in diffractive DIS and PHP at ZEUS
Nikolaos Kidonakis
(Kennesaw State University)
18/04/2007, 11:50
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Higher-order threshold corrections for single top quark production
Steven Heppelmann
(Penn State)
18/04/2007, 11:50
Spin Physics
J.H. Lee
18/04/2007, 12:10
Spin Physics
Single transverse spin asymmetries (SSA) in transversely polarised pp reactions at the energy regime where pQCD is applicable are expected to be negligibly small in the lowest-oredr QCD approximation, whereas experimentally large SSAs have been observed at high xF. Recently, new measurements of SSAs have been available from semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering and transversely polarised pp...
Paul Thompson
(Univ. Birmingham)
18/04/2007, 12:10
Joint: HFL / DIFF
D* and open charm in diffraction
Anne-Catherine Le Bihan
18/04/2007, 12:10
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
First physics at ATLAS (incl. EW+top)
Mark Heinz
(Yale University)
18/04/2007, 12:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Recent results from STAR
Frank-Peter Schilling
(TU Karlsruhe, CMS)
18/04/2007, 12:30
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
First physics at CMS (incl. EW+top)
Sebastian Sapeta
(CERN / Jagellonian University Krakow)
18/04/2007, 12:30
Joint: HFL / DIFF
HFL production in DGLAP improved saturation model
Philipp Haegler
(TU Muenchen)
18/04/2007, 12:30
Spin Physics
In this talk, we present recent results from lattice QCD on the transverse
spin structure of hadrons. Strong correlations between spin, orbital
angular momentum and coordinate degrees of freedom lead to strongly
distorted densities of quarks in hadrons in particular for transverse
quark polarizations. We discuss possible implications of our results for
the Sivers and Boer-Mulders function...
Craig Ogilvie
(Iowa State University)
18/04/2007, 12:40
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Hadronic final states and their correlations in pp and heavy ion collisions at PHENIX
Sepehr Saremi
(University of Massachusetts)
18/04/2007, 14:00
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Exclusive hadronic final states and B decays at BABAR
Markus Diehl
18/04/2007, 14:00
Joint: DIFF / SPIN
I present a detailed study of exclusive meson production at large Q^2 in
terms of generalized parton distributions, focusing at the effect of the
NLO corrections to the hard scattering. Numerical investigations are
performed for the kinematic regions of various experiments (from HERA
collider to JLAB energies). I comment on the stability of the
perturbative expansion in collinear...
Isamu Nakamura
(KEK, Belle)
18/04/2007, 14:00
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Measurements of the CKM sides at the B factories
Olaf Behnke
(University of Heidelberg)
18/04/2007, 14:00
Future of DIS
Maurik Holtrop
(University of New Hampshire)
18/04/2007, 14:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Investigating the onset of Color Transparency with CLAS
Nick Barlow
(University of Manchester, BaBar)
18/04/2007, 14:20
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Measurements of angles of the unitarity triangle
Simonetta Liuti
(University of Virginia)
18/04/2007, 14:20
Joint: DIFF / SPIN
We propose a physically motivated parametrization for the unpolarized Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs), H and E, valid at both zero and non-zero values of the skewness variable, zeta. We start from a detailed study of the zeta = 0 case where H and E are determined using constraints from simultaneous fits of experimental data on both the nucleon elastic form factors and the deep...
Amanda Cooper-Sarkar
(University of Oxford)
18/04/2007, 14:20
Future of DIS
Zaven Akopov
(Yerevan Physics Institute)
18/04/2007, 14:40
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Final results from HERMES on hadronization in nuclear environment
Hisaki Hayashii
(Nara, Belle)
18/04/2007, 14:40
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Tau physics at the B factories
Max Klein
(University of Liverpool)
18/04/2007, 14:45
Future of DIS
Chris White
18/04/2007, 15:00
Structure Functions and Low-x
Ulrich Haisch
(University of Zurich)
18/04/2007, 15:00
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
How To Kill a Penguin - Interplay between collider and flavor physics
Armine Rostomyan
18/04/2007, 15:00
Joint: DIFF / SPIN
Hard exclusive meson production in deep inelastic lepton scattering provides access to the unknown Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) of the nucleon. GPDs parameterize the nucleon structure and provide a unified description of exclusive and inclusive reactions.
Predictions based on a GPD model have shown that the transverse target spin asymmetry of exclusive $\rho^0$ mesons is sensitive...
Zein-Eddine Meziani
(Temple University)
18/04/2007, 15:10
Future of DIS
Andreas Metz
(Institut fuer Theoretische Physik II, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum)
18/04/2007, 15:20
Joint: DIFF / SPIN
Recent work suggests a close relation between generalized and transverse momentum dependent parton distributions (TMDs), in particular for the so-called naive time-reversal odd TMDs. In the talk our present knowledge on this topic will be briefly summarized. Moreover, an extension of the existing work in the literature will be discussed.
Agustin Sabio Vera
18/04/2007, 15:20
Structure Functions and Low-x
Simon de Visscher
(Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL))
18/04/2007, 15:20
Hadronic Final States and QCD
MadGraph/MadEvent at work: from QCD backgrounds to new physics signals
Fritz-Herbert Heinsius
(Universitaet Bochum)
18/04/2007, 16:10
Future of DIS
Hayg Guler
18/04/2007, 16:10
Joint: DIFF / SPIN
For the first time, azimuthal beam-spin asymmetries have been measured in electroproduction of a hard exclusive photon on nuclei ranging from Deuterium to Xenon. The data were accumulated by the HERMES experiment at HERA/DESY in the years 1996-2004 by scattering the 27.6 GeV lepton beam off an internal gas target. The asymmetries of the coherent and incoherent processes for D, 4He, N, Ne, Kr...
Beate Brzozowska
(Warsaw University)
18/04/2007, 16:10
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Scaled momentum spectra in the current region of the Breit frame at HERA (ZEUS)
Rocio Vilar
18/04/2007, 16:10
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
SM Higgs searches at Tevatron
C.-P. Yuan
(Michigan State University)
18/04/2007, 16:10
Structure Functions and Low-x
Antje Bruell
(Jefferson Lab)
18/04/2007, 16:25
Future of DIS
HERMES measurement of DVCS from p and d targets, and status and prospects of the recoil detector
Andreas Mussgiller
(University of Erlangen)
18/04/2007, 16:30
Joint: DIFF / SPIN
Hard exclusive processes provide access to the unknown generalized parton distributions (GPDs), which extend our description of the nucleon structure beyond the standard parton distributions. The Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) process, i.e. the hard exclusive leptoproduction of real photons, provides the theoretically cleanest access to the GPDs. DVCS amplitudes can be measured most...
Robert Thorne
(University of College London)
18/04/2007, 16:30
Structure Functions and Low-x
Boris Levchenko
18/04/2007, 16:30
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Measurements of K0s, Lambda and Lambda bar and Bose Einstein correlations between Kaons in DIS (ZEUS)
Raimund Stroehmer
(LMU Munich, DZERO)
18/04/2007, 16:30
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Searches for SUSY at Tevatron (incl. SUSY Higgs)
C.-P. Yuan
(Michigan State University)
18/04/2007, 16:50
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Impact of new PDF sets on searches at the LHC
Yves van Haarlem
18/04/2007, 16:50
Eric Voutier
(LPSC / Université Joseph Fourier)
18/04/2007, 16:55
Joint: DIFF / SPIN
I would like to bring your attention on the Hall A exprimental program about GPDs at JLab. Two experiments have been recently performed investigating GPDs via the DVCS reaction off the proton and off the neutron. They involve the HRS spectrometer for the detection of the scattered electron and a new PbF2 calorimeter for the detection of the emitted photon. The latter was specially designed...
Bjoern Seitz
(University of Glasgow)
18/04/2007, 16:55
Future of DIS
Kolya Nikolaev
(Forschungszentrum Jülich (IKP))
18/04/2007, 17:10
Hadronic Final States and QCD
New features of the Abramovski-Kancheli-Gribov unitarity cutting rules in QCD
Daniela Rebuzzi
(University of Pavia, ATLAS)
18/04/2007, 17:10
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Prospects for Higgs and BSM searches at LHC
Emmanuelle Perez
18/04/2007, 17:15
Future of DIS
Josh Pierce
(University of Virginia)
18/04/2007, 17:20
Joint: DIFF / SPIN
The eg1b run was conducted using CLAS (CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer) at the Thomas Jeㄦson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF) in 2000 by the CLAS collaboration. A 1.6 GeV - 5.6 GeV polarized electron beam and polarized nuclear targets (composed of NH3 and ND3) were used, allowing single and double spin asymmetries to be measured.
This analysis is of the double spin asymmetry Ajj in...
Johannes Blümlein
(Desy Zeuthen)
18/04/2007, 17:30
Hadronic Final States and QCD
Structural relations between Harmonic Sums up to w=6 and representation of higher order splitting and coefficient
Alexei Raspereza
(MPI Munich)
18/04/2007, 17:35
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
ILC physics prospects
Krishna Kumar
(University of Massachusetts)
18/04/2007, 17:40
Future of DIS
Stefan Schlenstedt
(DESY Zeuthen, ZEUS)
19/04/2007, 09:00
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Search for contact interactions in ep collisions at ZEUS
Steven Heppelmann
(Penn State)
19/04/2007, 09:00
Future of DIS
Hiroyuki Kawamura
19/04/2007, 09:00
Spin Physics
We study the double-spin asymmetries in transversly/longitudinally
polarized Drell-Yan processes at transverse momentum Q_T of the produced
lepton pair. We first consider the double transverse-spin asymmetry A_{TT}(Q_T)
in the transversely polarized Drell-Yan process in detail, in particular,
in the small Q_T region, where the bulk of dileptons are produced.
The large logarithms due to...
Katherine Korcsak-Gorzo
(University of Oxford)
19/04/2007, 09:20
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Events with an isolated lepton and missing transverse momentum at ZEUS
Yuji Koike
(Department of Physics, Niigata University)
19/04/2007, 09:20
Spin Physics
We present a consistent framework for the twist-3 calculation for
the single transverse spin asymmetry (SSA). We prove that the consistent
use of the Ward identity for color gauge invariance is crutial to
obtain the factorization property and the gauge invariance of the
twist-3 single-spin-dependent cross section. This proof had been missed
in the previous literature. As an...
David d'Enterria
19/04/2007, 09:20
Future of DIS
Sasha Milov
19/04/2007, 09:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Multi-particle decays of light mesons measured by PHENIX at RHIC
Ytsen de Boer
(ITEP, H1)
19/04/2007, 09:40
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Events with an isolated lepton and missing transverse momentum at H1
Shengli Huang
(PHENIX Collaboration)
19/04/2007, 09:40
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Measurements of phi mesons from hadronic and leptonic decays at RHIC by PHENIX
Kazuhiro Tanaka
(Dept. of Physics, Juntendo University)
19/04/2007, 09:40
Spin Physics
It is known that a dominant QCD mechanism for the single transverse-spin
asymmetry in hard processes is induced by the twist-3 quark-gluon correlations
inside a hadron, combined with the soft-gluonic poles to produce the
interfering phase for the associated partonic hard scattering. We show that
the coupling of the relevant soft gluon to partonic subprocess can be
Bernd Surrow
19/04/2007, 09:50
Future of DIS
Gerhard Brandt
(University of Heidelberg, H1)
19/04/2007, 10:00
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Multi-lepton production in ep collisions at H1
Mathieu Segond
(LPT Orsay)
19/04/2007, 10:00
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
QCD factorizations in gamma* gamma* -> rho rho
Cedran Bomhof
(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
19/04/2007, 10:00
Spin Physics
The Sivers effect is a possible source for many single spin
asymmetries. The appearance of the Sivers distribution function
is also a testinground for our understanding of universality.
A well-known example of the peculiar universality property of
this function is the relative sign difference of the Sivers
function in SIDIS and Drell-Yan scattering. This opposite sign
is a direct...
Paul Newman
(University of Birmingham)
19/04/2007, 10:10
Future of DIS
Ota Osamu
(Tokyo Metropolitan University, ZEUS)
19/04/2007, 10:20
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Dilepton production in ep collisions at ZEUS
Jan Balewski
19/04/2007, 10:20
Spin Physics
Emmanuel Sauvan
(CPP Marseille, H1)
19/04/2007, 11:10
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
A general search for new phenomena at HERA
Allison Lung
(Jefferson Lab)
19/04/2007, 11:10
Future of DIS
Laurent Favart
(Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
19/04/2007, 11:10
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Status of the H1 Very Forward Proton Spectrometer
Alessandro Bacchetta
19/04/2007, 11:10
Spin Physics
The cross section for polarized semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering is
reviewed, including in particular the dependence on the transverse momentum of
the detected hadron. Out of the 18 structure functions appearing in the cross
section, we will discuss the present knowledge of a few selected examples.
Stefan Ask
19/04/2007, 11:25
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC is building several detector systems for forward
physics studies and to determine the luminosity. The main forward systems consist of
a Cerenkov detector called LUCID, a Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) and Roman Pots
which initially will house a scintillating fiber tracker system called ALFA.
This presentation will describe the foreseen forward physics...
Sascha Caron
(University of Freiburg)
19/04/2007, 11:30
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Distributions from high-pT HERA event data analyzed in a general search
for new physics at H1 have been incorporated into Quaero, an algorithm
designed to automate tests of specific hypotheses with high energy
collider data. The use of Quaero@H1 to search for leptoquarks, R-parity
violating supersymmetry, and excited quarks provides examples to develop
intuition for the algorithm's performance.
Christian Schill
(Univ. Freiburg)
19/04/2007, 11:30
Spin Physics
An important missing piece in our understanding of the spin structure of the
nucleon is the transversity distribution function Delta_Tq(x). It is only
one of the three leading-twist quark distribution functions q(x), Delta q(x)
and Delta_Tq(x) that so-far remains unmeasured. The function Delta_Tq(x)
describes the distribution of transversely polarized quarks in a transversely
Sam Aronson
19/04/2007, 11:35
Future of DIS
Kerstin Borras
19/04/2007, 11:45
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Status of forward physics projects at CMS
Marco Radici
(INFN - Sezione Pavia)
19/04/2007, 11:50
Spin Physics
We consider dihadron fragmentation functions, that describe the
fragmentation of a parton in two (unpolarized) hadrons. Using Jet calculus
techniques, we develop evolution equations when these functions are
explicitly depending upon the invariant mass of the produced hadron pair,
the socalled extended dihadron fragmentation functions. We connect our
results to the integrated dihadron...
Ana Dubak
(University of Montenegro/MPI Munich, H1)
19/04/2007, 11:50
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Search for leptoquarks in ep collisions at H1
John Dainton
(Cockcroft Institute and University of Liverpool)
19/04/2007, 12:00
Future of DIS
Andy Pilkington
(University of Manchester)
19/04/2007, 12:05
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Status of FP420 R&D project
Aram Kotzinian
(INFN Torino)
19/04/2007, 12:10
Spin Physics
In semi-inclusive DIS of polarized leptons on a transversely polarized target
eight azimuthal modulations appear in the cross-section. Within QCD parton
model four azimuthal asymmetries can be interpreted at leading order, two of
them being the already measured Collins and Sivers asymmetries. The other two
leading twist asymmetries, related to different transverse momentum dependent
Nguyet Trinh
(CPP Marseille, H1)
19/04/2007, 12:10
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Search for excited leptons in ep collisions at H1
Christophe Royon
19/04/2007, 12:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
High mass diffractive physics at the LHC
David Stuart
(UC Santa Barbara, CDF)
19/04/2007, 12:30
Electroweak Measurements (Including Top) and Beyond the Standard Model
Non-SUSY searches at Tevatron
John Lajoie
(Iowa State University)
19/04/2007, 12:30
Spin Physics
The PHENIX upgrade program adds a set of silicon pixel detectors (the VTX and FVTX),
forward calorimetry (the NCC), and Level-1 trigger detectors (the Muon Trigger
Upgrade) to the baseline detector. These upgrades will enhance the ability of PHENIX
to pursue a rich program of spin physics in polarized proton collisions, in
particular at sqrt(s) = 500 GeV. The VTX and FVTX detectors will...
Sven-Olaf Moch
20/04/2007, 09:00
Leszek Motyka,
Uta Klein
20/04/2007, 09:45
Michael Spira,
Thomas Nunnemann
20/04/2007, 11:00
Alexander Savin
(University of Wisconsin,Madison),
Giulia Zanderighi
20/04/2007, 14:00
Benno List
Michael Klasen
20/04/2007, 14:45
Daniel Boer
Delia Hash
20/04/2007, 16:00
Allen Caldwell
(MPI for Physics, Munich)
20/04/2007, 17:30