Henri Kowalski
17/04/2007, 16:10
Joint: SF / DIFF
Saturation model for exclusive processes at HERA, DVCS, F2, including evolution and
the impact parameter dependence
Johannes Blümlein
(Desy Zeuthen)
17/04/2007, 16:30
Joint: SF / DIFF
Target mass corrections to deep inelastic diffractive scattering
Thomas Teubner
(University of Liverpool)
17/04/2007, 16:50
Joint: SF / DIFF
Small x gluon from exclusive J/psi production
Andre Utermann
(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
17/04/2007, 17:10
Joint: SF / DIFF
Compatibility of phenomelogical dipole cross sections with the BK equation
Robert Peschanski
(Service de Physique Théorique, Saclay)
17/04/2007, 17:30
Joint: SF / DIFF
Universality of QCD traveling waves with running coupling