Michael Lublinsky
(Stony Brook University)
17/04/2007, 09:00
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Diffraction and Multiple Gluon Production from JIMWaLK formalism
Bernd Loehr
17/04/2007, 09:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Inclusive Diffraction using the Mx method
Jaroslaw Lukasik
(DESY / AGH-UST Cracow)
17/04/2007, 09:40
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Inclusive Diffraction (LPS and LRG)
Matthias Mozer
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, IIHE - ELEM)
17/04/2007, 10:00
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Diffractive Dijets in DIS and PHP
Yuji Yamazaki
17/04/2007, 10:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Dijet Production in Diffraction (DIS and PHP)
Dieter Schildknecht
(University of Bielefeld and MPI Munich)
17/04/2007, 11:30
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Dear organizers,
I would be happy to present a contribution
"on the ratio of Sigma(long.) to Sigma(trans.)
in Dis at low x" , i.e. F(long), predictions based
on unpublished investigations by Kuroda and myself.
For my earlier related work kindly look at
e.g. hep ph/0607031, hep ph 0511091, and
hep ph/ 0203028 etc.
In view of the measurements being prepared at Hera
on the long....
Francesco Hautmann
17/04/2007, 11:50
Carlo Ewerz
(ECT* Trento)
17/04/2007, 12:10
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Photoproduction of pi0 at HERA and the Odderon
William Schmidke
(MPI for Physics, Munich)
17/04/2007, 14:00
Christina Mesropian
(Rockefeller University, New York)
17/04/2007, 14:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Recent results on diffraction with CDF
Andy Pilkington
(University of Manchester)
17/04/2007, 14:40
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
New theoretical results in central exclusive diffractive processes
Christian Weiss
17/04/2007, 15:00
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Diffractive pp scattering and the unitarity limit
Cyrille Marquet
18/04/2007, 09:00
Aharon Levy
(DESY / Tel Aviv University)
18/04/2007, 09:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Exclusive Vector Meson production
Robert Peschanski
(Service de Physique Théorique, Saclay)
18/04/2007, 09:40
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
VM production from non-forward BK equation
Dima Ivanov
(Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)
18/04/2007, 10:00
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Vector Meson production from NLL BFKL
Peter Kroll
18/04/2007, 10:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
The longitudinal cross section of VM electroproduction
Sasha Milov
19/04/2007, 09:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Multi-particle decays of light mesons measured by PHENIX at RHIC
Shengli Huang
(PHENIX Collaboration)
19/04/2007, 09:40
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Measurements of phi mesons from hadronic and leptonic decays at RHIC by PHENIX
Mathieu Segond
(LPT Orsay)
19/04/2007, 10:00
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
QCD factorizations in gamma* gamma* -> rho rho
Laurent Favart
(Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
19/04/2007, 11:10
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Status of the H1 Very Forward Proton Spectrometer
Stefan Ask
19/04/2007, 11:25
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC is building several detector systems for forward
physics studies and to determine the luminosity. The main forward systems consist of
a Cerenkov detector called LUCID, a Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) and Roman Pots
which initially will house a scintillating fiber tracker system called ALFA.
This presentation will describe the foreseen forward physics...
Kerstin Borras
19/04/2007, 11:45
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Status of forward physics projects at CMS
Andy Pilkington
(University of Manchester)
19/04/2007, 12:05
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Status of FP420 R&D project
Christophe Royon
19/04/2007, 12:20
Diffraction and Vector Mesons
High mass diffractive physics at the LHC