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The timings are approximate!
new Zoom Meeting:
please follow the URL
Chaired by Bruno Hoeft as DaveK not able to attend. Notes by Bruno too.
Present: Dimitrios Christidis, Edoardo Martelli, Francesco Prelz, Raja Nandakumar, Martin Bly
Apologized: Kars Ohrenberg, Tim Chown, Andrea Sciaba, Dave Kelsey
Dimitrios Christidis:
Edoardo Martelli:
Francesco Prelz:
Raja Nandakumar:
Martin Bly:
Tier1/Tier2 LHCOPN/LHCONE status:
Tier-1 : situation unchanged:
Tier-2 : Andrea updated his statistics (plots/tables)
Tracking at DE-KIT of IPv4 top talkers:
Bruno showed plot (attached to agenda item).
During 4 hours inbound:
Src IP Addr Bytes(%)
BNL: 1.1 T(39.5)
CNAF : 131.154.x.x (various IPv4 addresses) 221.6 G( 4.3)
FNAL: 131.225.x.x (various IPv4 addresses) 90.9 G( 1.4)
During 2 hours outbound:
CERN: 128.142.x.x (various IPv4 addresses) 1.2 T( 32.5)
Can we do any IPv6-only testing now?
September 2-day F2F (virtual) meeting:
Do we continue to use Vidyo?: