16 November 2020 to 4 December 2020
America/Guatemala timezone
Event to be held completely online

Unveiling the nature of dark matter: a multi-faceted search program

26 Nov 2020, 09:00
Session: Dark Matter and Beyond Standard Model Searches Plenary talk


Francesca Calore (LAPTh, CNRS)


Unveiling the nature of dark matter is one of the major endeavours of our century.
The search for dark matter is developed across multiple channels and with different techniques.
I will review the main candidates for particle dark matter and introduce how we tackle the challenge of discovering them.
I will focus especially on indirect dark matter searches, which aim to identify the nature of dark matter and narrow down the parameter space of different dark matter candidates by using data from astroparticle experiments on ground and in space.
I will present advanced techniques recently proposed to extract the most out of the great wealth of data we have at our disposal.
I will finally provide some prospects for future observations.

Presentation materials