16 November 2020 to 4 December 2020
America/Guatemala timezone
Event to be held completely online

Virtual Poster Presentations

"Thermodynamics of a magnetized neutral vector bosons gas",Lismary de la Caridad Suárez González (Instituto de Cibernética Matemática y Física, Habana, Cuba) [video]

Identificación de partículas por medio de una red neuronal aplicable a los datos provenientes de un Detector de Radiación Cherenkov de agua de la utilización de una red neuronal , Mayra Silva (Universidad del Valle de Guatemala) [video]



The virtual poster session aims to encourage students and young researchers to present their research work. The poster should be one page and it should include the title, institution name and logo, logo of CAHEP2020, e-mail address of the authors, brief description of the research, results, conclusions, references and acknowledgments.

You can download the CAHEP2020 logo here

To participate in the Virtual Poster Session please submit a title and a short summary of your work using the website meeting via the menu option Call for Abstracts, choose Virtual Poster Presentation in the field Contribution type. Once your contribution is accepted you will receive a confirmation email with further instructions to submit your poster.

There will be a Live poster presentations where the selected posters will have 10 minutes for a short presentation. Poster will be stored in the Meeting website to make them available to all the participants.