24 September 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Service Level Objectives : What's working and what's not?

24 Sept 2020, 16:42



Felipe Bastos (Federal University of Pará (UFPA))


The constant evolution of the IT technologies brings possibility of providing new services which also contributes to the increased expectations regarding their functionality and reliability. This results in a constant race of delivering new features whilst aiming to keep the services as reliable as possible and triggers one fundamental question: “How do we know that our service is still good enough in the client’s eyes?”

This is where the Service Level Objectives come in place and help identifying the quality of the provided service. Their usage is a standard practice in many organisations to monitor and improve the operations, and to establish better communication with the users. SLOs are set on top of measured Service Level Indicators (SLIs) and represent the required percent of time that a given SLI should meet the expected quality standards.

The major goal of this project is to implement a central SLO dashboard for the IT Monitoring Service at CERN. It will provide SLI/SLO information in near real-time and notify in case of drop in the service availability.

Presentation materials