Transverse-momentum resummation for Drell-Yan production at NNLL accuracy

16 Sept 2010, 16:15
GGI - Florence

GGI - Florence


Dr Giancarlo Ferrera (University of Florence)


We consider the transverse-momentum (q_T) distribution of Drell--Yan lepton pairs produced in hadron collisions. At small values of q_T, we resum the logarithmically-enhanced perturbative QCD contributions up to next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. At intermediate and large values of q_T, we consistently combine resummation with the known next-to-leading order perturbative result. All perturbative terms up to order alpha_S^2 are included in our computation which, after integration over q_T, reproduces the known next-to-next-to-leading order result for the Drell--Yan total cross section. We show and discuss the reduction in the scale dependence of the results with respect to lower-order calculations, estimating the corresponding perturbative uncertainty. We present a preliminary comparison with Tevatron Run II data.

Primary author

Dr Giancarlo Ferrera (University of Florence)


Daniel de Florian (University of Buenos Aires) Dr Giuseppe Bozzi (University of Milan) Dr Massimiliano Grazzini (INFN Florence) Dr Stefano Catani (INFN Florence)

Presentation materials