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TH Journal Club on Strings & QFT

Knitting Wormholes by Entanglement in Supergravity

by Gabor Sarosi

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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We construct a single-boundary wormhole geometry in type IIB supergravity by perturbing two stacks of NN extremal D3-branes in the decoupling limit. The solution interpolates from a two-sided planar AdS-Schwarzschild geometry in the interior, through a harmonic two-center solution in the intermediate region, to an asymptotic AdS space. The geometry has a dual interpretation in N=4 SU(2N) Super Yang-Mills theory in terms of a Higgsed SU(2N)->S(U(N)xU(N)) theory in which O(N^2) degrees of freedom in each SU(N) sector are entangled in an approximate thermofield double state at a temperature much colder than the Higgs scale. We argue that the solution can be made long-lived by appropriate choice of parameters, and comment on mechanisms for generating traversability.

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