IAM Users Workshop
The aim of this workshop is to facilitate user led discussion around best practice, administration and deployment experience between the different communities who utilise the INDIGO IAM Authentication and Authorization service.
As the INDIGO IAM has become a more established software choice, it has become adopted as a core infrastructure component for a number of different communities. This workshop aims to bring those communities together, so that we can learn and benefit from each other’s experiences.
The focus areas for this meeting are:
- Developer(s) updates: updates from the team working on IAM as to the next steps and aims with the service’s development
- Community updates: updates from the communities and groups using the IAM as their AAI solution, both from service managers and those running clients utilising the IAM - including examples of any notable use-cases or challenges encountered.
- Discussions: the hope here is to have a range of topics requested from participants. These can be submitted in advance and the order decided on the day.
A link to the live document will be distributed in the Zoom call and prior to the meeting.
Registered participants will receive the VC password via email within an INDICO reminder. If you have not received the password, please send us an email.
Adrian Coveney
Agustin Bruzzese
Al Lilianstrom
Alastair Basden
Alessandro Costantini
Alison Packer
Andrea Ceccanti
Andrea Rendina
Andrew Reader
Andrew Sansum
Antonio Falabella
Burt Holzman
Christopher Mountford
Claudia Cavallaro
Connor Pettitt
Dan Nixon
Daniele Lattanzio
Daniele Spiga
Darren Moore
Dave Dykstra
Dave Morris
David Brownless
David Crooks
David Kelsey
Davide Salomoni
Dennis Box
Diego Ciangottini
Doina Cristina Duma
Elena Corni
Elisabetta Ronchieri
Emmanouil Vamvakopoulos
Enrico Vianello
Federica Agostini
Federico Fornari
Federico Versari
Francesco Giacomini
Francesco Minarini
Gareth Francis
Greg Corbett
Hannah Short
Ian Collier
Ian Neilson
IJ Johnson
Jacob Ward
James Argent
James Walder
Jens Jensen
Jeremy Yates
Jon Wakelin
Jose Caballero Bejar
Liam Gretton
Luca dell'Agnello
Lucia Morganti
Marcelo Vilaca Pinheiro Soares
Marco Mambelli
Michel Jouvin
Mischa Sallé
Muhammad Aleem Sarwar
Nick Hill
Paul Millar
Peter Clarke
Petr Vokac
Riccardo Di Maria
Richard Schofield
Robert Frank
Rohini Joshi
Sam Glendenning
Sarah Byrne
Simon Hodder
Stefano Cortese
Stelios Voutsinas
Stuart Rankin
Sven Gabriel
Thomas Birkett
Travis Hountondji
vincenzo rega
Will Furnell
William Taylor