14–21 Jan 2021
Online via Zoom
Asia/Hong_Kong timezone


Conference: Experiment/Detector - Detectors

19 Jan 2021, 16:00
Online via Zoom

Online via Zoom


Conference: Experiment/Detector - Detectors: Day 1 (CF-ED-D1)

  • Joao GUIMARAES DA COSTA (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Conference: Experiment/Detector - Detectors: Day 2 (CF-ED-D2)

  • Kirill PROKOFIEV (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Conference: Experiment/Detector - Detectors: Day 3 (CF-ED-D3)

  • Mogens DAM (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Peter SKANDS (Monash University)
19/01/2021, 16:00
Experiment / Detector
Marcel VOS (The Instituto de Física Corpuscular Valencia (UVEG/CSIC))
19/01/2021, 16:20
Experiment / Detector
Daniel JEANS (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
19/01/2021, 16:40
Experiment / Detector
Bruce MELLADO GARCIA (University of the Witwatersrand)
19/01/2021, 17:00
Manqi RUAN (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
19/01/2021, 17:20
Experiment / Detector
Giulio MEZZADRI (The Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
19/01/2021, 17:40
Experiment / Detector
Valentina DIOLAITI (Bologna University)
19/01/2021, 18:00
Experiment / Detector
Lingfeng LI (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (IAS Postdoctoral Fellow))
20/01/2021, 16:00
Experiment / Detector
Francesco GRANCAGNOLO (The Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics - Lecce Section)
20/01/2021, 16:20
Experiment / Detector
Valentin VOLKL (CERN)
20/01/2021, 16:40
Experiment / Detector
Yong LIU (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
20/01/2021, 17:00
Experiment / Detector
Marco LUCCHINI (Princeton University)
20/01/2021, 17:20
Experiment / Detector
Hiroyuki NAKAYAMA (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
20/01/2021, 17:40
Gaosong LI (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
20/01/2021, 18:00
Experiment / Detector
Max KLEIN (University of Liverpool)
20/01/2021, 18:20
21/01/2021, 16:00
Experiment / Detector
21/01/2021, 16:20
Experiment / Detector
Hwi Dong YOO (Yonsei University)
21/01/2021, 16:40
Experiment / Detector
21/01/2021, 17:00
Experiment / Detector
21/01/2021, 17:20
Experiment / Detector
Sebastian GRINSTEIN (The Institute for High Energy Physics of Barcelona)
21/01/2021, 17:40
Experiment / Detector
Huirong QI (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
21/01/2021, 18:00
Experiment / Detector
Experiment / Detector
Building timetable...