A Machine Learning journey from customer reviews to business insights
Please register to this event in order to receive all necessary information
General information
This is a workshop tutorial for the UZH ML Workshop [1], it will be given by Dr. Federica Lionetto and will be held online. It can be followed at the zoom room of the UZH ML Workshop [2] with the password you received via mail.
Customer reviews are a powerful source of information that can help product and service providers to better understand customers’ satisfaction and quickly react to match customers’ needs. However, as the amount of information available through customer reviews rapidly increases over time, the process of extracting business insights from data becomes more and more time-consuming. In this workshop, we will discuss how Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques can help automate the process of converting collected data into actionable business insights. We will work with a real-world dataset of airline reviews and cover aspects related to data preparation as well as model selection, training and testing.
How to participate
Please visit the dedicated github page [3] in order to test the environment and participate to the workshop.
[1]: https://indico.cern.ch/e/UZHML
[2]: https://uzh.zoom.us/j/91470219654?pwd=Y0JTVHRGa1Ywc2xWTFJlMXE3ek8vdz09
[3]: https://github.com/FedericaLionetto/UZHMLWorkshop2020-NLP