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8–10 Feb 2021
Europe/Prague timezone

Current DAQ systems contain many complex parts and subsystems that have to provide the best possible performance. Therefore, these modules undergo intensive developments and innovations in order to keep up with the latest requirements of HEP experiments. The future of acquisition systems relies on advanced technologies, state-of-the-art hardware, and software solutions. Moreover, these modern DAQ systems usually include streaming data formats and triggerless techniques, which will be discussed in this workshop.

This workshop is focused on the development of modern data taking for experiments beyond 2020. It will be hosted online on February 8-10, 2021. We will discuss the required performance and architecture of FEE and DAQ components, unify serial interfaces and protocols, discuss trigger processor hardware, and distribution of workload. This time we aim to have presentations from a broader range of experiments to share experiences and discuss the future. Workshop will take place at zoom.  

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.