Attendees: Guang Yang (GY), Ciro Riccio (CR), Shih-Kai Lin (SKL), David Last (DL), Andriaseta Sitraka (AS), Eric Chong (EC), Cesar Jesus-Valls (CJV), Jordi Capo (JC), Thorsten Lux (TL), Makhail Davinolv (MD), Dana Douqa (DD), Wilf Shorrock (WS), Alex Ramirez (AR),
Ciro Riccio - Neutron selection and software status
DL: Do you cut on time cluster size? CR: No, I cut on the number of spatial clusters.
GY: Do you take the center of the voxels? CR: Yes, the drawing on slide XX is wrong.
EC: Why you use 5 cm as max distance to reject blobs? CR: This number must be optimized.
CM: Test the cuts using an MC sample of protons.
Guang Yang - Cosmics data in 2020 run
Slide 3 David: using this will lose a lot of stat. GY: Yes, there are other ways to select cosmics and save stat. Using board is simple and quick.
DL: Slide 7: This plots have been filled with a cut-off at 20 PE? GY: Yes.
DL: Slide 8: Are those hits in 200 ns windows? GY: Yes. DL: Do you use other cuts? GY: No
DL: Slide 10: How the PE voxel distribution looks in neutron data? CR: I don’t remember. We should check.
GY: We can use cosmics for calibration
CM: It would be nice to have a PCA distribution to tell apart the track and shower; even more, including the angle distribution, since we know that info. nicely, it will help to understand the detector. GY: that is right. Will do.