6–8 Jul 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Computing the exact optimal classifier for Ginkgo jets


Lauren Greenspan (NYU)


In the last several years, the ML4Jets community has worked to improve performance for jet tagging and performed a number of comparisons of different architectures for jet tagging and other tasks. We have seen that combining multiple classifiers together into a meta-tagger or an ensemble improves performance. But is there still room for improvement? In other words, are we approaching the performance of the optimal tagger? Formally, the optimal classifier is defined by a likelihood ratio (Neyman-Pearson lemma), but the likelihood for the observed jet is typically intractable as it involves marginalizing over the enormous number of showering histories. Additionally, the likelihood for a particular shower is, in general, not easily accessible. We consider new datasets with signal and background generated with the Ginkgo model and use the cluster trellis to exactly compute the marginal likelihood under each hypothesis in order to calculate the exact optimal likelihood ratio. As a result, we can compare the performance of ML-based taggers to this optimal classifier.

Affiliation NYU


Lauren Greenspan (NYU) Matthew Drnevich (New York University (US)) Sebastian Macaluso (New York University) Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US))

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