24–26 May 2021
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Detecting Dark Matter with Far-Forward Emulsion and Liquid Argon Detectors at the LHC

24 May 2021, 15:15


Sebastian Trojanowski


New light particles may be produced in large numbers in the far-forward region at the LHC and then decay to dark matter, which can be detected through its scattering in far-forward experiments. In the talk, we will discuss the discovery potential of such far-forward searches for light dark matter scattering off electrons or nuclei in an emulsion or liquid argon detector placed on the beam collision axis during HL-LHC. For illustration, we will focus on a popular example of invisibly-decaying dark photons, which decay to dark matter through $A' \to \chi \chi$, while further prospects for probing BSM interactions of neutrinos will also be presented. These results motivate the construction of far-forward emulsion and liquid argon (FLArE) detectors, as well as a suitable location to accommodate them, such as the proposed Forward Physics Facility.

Primary authors

Prof. Brian Batell (University of Pittsburgh) Jonathan Lee Feng (University of California Irvine (US)) Sebastian Trojanowski

Presentation materials