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24–26 May 2021
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Minimal SU(5) Unification

26 May 2021, 16:30


shaikh saad (oklahoma state university)


A minimal model of $SU(5)$ Grand Unification is proposed. The model is entirely built out of the first five lowest dimensional $SU(5)$ representations. Charged and neutral fermion mass generation mechanisms are non-trivially linked together. The main predictions of the model are that $(i)$ the neutrinos are Majorana particles, $(ii)$ one neutrino is massless, $(iii)$ the neutrinos have normal mass ordering, and $(iv)$ there are four new scalar multiplets at or below a $120$\,TeV mass scale. An improvement of the current $p \rightarrow \pi^0 e^+$ lifetime limit by a factor of $2$, $15$, and $96$ would require these four scalar multiplets to reside at or below the $100$ TeV, $10$ TeV, and $1$ TeV mass scales, respectively.

Primary author

shaikh saad (oklahoma state university)

Presentation materials