24–26 May 2021
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Signatures of toponium formation in LHC run 2 data

24 May 2021, 18:00
QCD & EW Flavor II


Ya-Juan Zheng


Measurements in top-antitop events at the LHC unraveled some anomalies. We examine the possibility that those reflect some mismodeling in Standard Model top pair-production. While subdominant, so-far neglected toponium contributions yield the additional production of dileptonic systems of small invariant mass and small azimuthal angle separation, which could explain the anomalies. We propose a method to discover toponium in present and future data. This paves the way to further experimental and phenomenological studies, as understanding toponium effects is essential for precision measurements of one of the most important parameters of the Standard Model, the top mass.

Primary authors

Prof. Benjamin Fuks Kaoru Hagiwara Kai Ma Ya-Juan Zheng

Presentation materials