24–26 May 2021
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Hidden Naturalness in the Light of Cosmological Data

24 May 2021, 15:15
Cosmology Cosmology I


Saurabh Bansal (University of Notre Dame)


Hidden naturalness offers an exciting framework for alleviating the Higgs hierarchy problem. But because the models within this framework face few constraints from collider searches, there is strong motivation to study their cosmological signatures, an area that has remained mostly unexplored. One of the simplest models that can be studied in this framework is the mirror twin Higgs (MTH) model, a model that contains a near-mirror copy of the SM. Cosmologically, the MTH model is quite complex, containing new sources of free-streaming radiation, interacting radiation, and interacting dark matter. In this talk I will discuss how cosmological datasets, including the CMB temperature and polarization power spectra as measured by the Planck collaboration, constrain the parameter space of the MTH model. In addition, I will also show how this model may help in ameliorating the tensions in the cosmological datasets, specifically those related to the sigma8 and H0 measurements.

Primary author

Saurabh Bansal (University of Notre Dame)


Prof. Jeonghan Kim Christopher Kolda (University of Notre Dame) Matthew Low (Fermilab) Yuhsin Tsai (University of Maryland)

Presentation materials