24–26 May 2021
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Dark Black Holes in the Mass Gap

26 May 2021, 15:00


Lillian Santos-Olmsted (University of California, Santa Cruz)


According to our current models of stellar collapse, stars in the mass range ~64-135 M⊙ undergo pair-instability supernovae, leaving behind no remnant. However, in 2019 LIGO and Virgo detected a black hole merger event with a high probability that the mass of the heavier black hole was within this pair-instability mass gap, motivating the exploration of novel black hole formation mechanisms. We hypothesize that clumps of gas in an atomic dark sector could cool efficiently enough to form a black hole within the mass gap. As a first step, we investigate this scenario with Standard Model parameters by simulating a star without nuclear reactions using the MESA stellar evolution code. Generalizing this investigation to the dark QED sector, we expand the parameter space using a combination of analytical and numerical methods.

Primary authors

Lillian Santos-Olmsted (University of California, Santa Cruz) Nicolas Fernandez (University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign) Akshay Ghalsasi (University of Washington) Hiren Patel (University of California, Santa Cruz) Stefano Profumo Nolan Smyth (University of California, Santa Cruz)

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