Airbus standpoint in the domains of radiation testing and new space COTS business

18 May 2021, 11:00



Renaud Mangeret (Airbus DS)



From the perspective of a space system provider, the need of supplying radiation robust products to multiple customers requires a cost/schedule effective approach of the RHA process, while being aware and understanding the associated risks. This remains the case in the frame of the “new business” addressed by Airbus Defence and Space.

The presentation will then address how “New Space” and more specifically the use of Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) impact an industrial RHA process. In particular, impacts on the radiation modelling and calculation process, on radiation testing, on the electronic design domain and, finally, on the EEE parts themselves will be addressed. This will cover a broad range of technical items which are to be put in perspective with the deployment of actual RHA processes in the frame of “traditional” space business.

Short biography

Renaud Mangeret received his PhD in electronics from the Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse (France) in the Materials and Components for Electronics Department in 1992. He then worked at the IBM Almaden Research Center, California, as a visiting scientist working on non-linear optics (NLO) polymers. From 1993-1995 Renaud worked at Giat Industries, Toulouse as a research and development engineer. Since 1995 Renaud has been radiation specialist at Matra Marconi Space/EADS Astrium/Airbus Defence and Space, then in 2006 has been Astrium/Airbus Defence and Space’s Radiation Expert and is now Transnational Radiation Senior Expert, still at Airbus Defence and Space in Toulouse. He is responsible for all aspects of radiation hardness assurance solutions for use of sensitive devices in space programs (telecommunications, Earth observation, interplanetary scientific and constellations) and in charge of Airbus DS radiation process. Renaud is a Member of the IEEE, chairman of ESCC CTB Radiation Working Group and currently serves as Treasurer for the RADECS Association Steering Committee.

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