RADSAGA Final Conference and Industrial Event & RADNEXT Public Kick-Off
The "RADSAGA Final Conference and Industrial Event & RADNEXT Public Kick-Off" will be held as an on-line event.
The agenda will focus on the RADSAGA Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), who will present the latest outcomes from their research. In addition, the event will also feature key-note expert speakers in the domains of radiation effects in Space, Avionics, Ground and Accelerators.
Moreover, the RADNEXT facility network (https://radnext-network.web.cern.ch/), recently accepted for EU funding and currently in its implementation phase, will also be presented during the second half of the event.
Free-of-cost registration is open to both RADSAGA & RADNEXT members as well as externals, however in order to receive the connection credential, registration through this Indico site is mandatory.
Welcome and opening 15mSpeakers: Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN), Sonia Allegretti (TERA Foundation (IT))
The RADSAGA Project from the Origin to its Future 1h 5m
The RADSAGA proposal coordinator (Markus) and present project leader (Rubén) will take you on a journey from RADSAGAs’ conceptual birth to its impact on future activities. Be seated!
Speakers: Markus Brugger (CERN), Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN) -
RADSAGA WP1 - Environment, Facilities & Monitoring
WP1 Introduction - Dr. A Javanainen (University of Jyvaskyla) 15m
In WP1, an extensive review of radiation test facilities involved in the consortium was carried out. The homogeneous description and comparison of the relevant test parameters (i.e. particle flux, energy spectra, beam size, etc.) in different European test facilities provides a valuable information for the European industry to select test facilities and prepare radiation test campaigns focused on their specific operational requirements. WP1 also has addressed some non-standard test approaches, like those utilizing high-energy electrons and ultra-high energy heavy ions. Both experimental and theoretical studies have been performed to obtain insights on energy deposition from primary ionization events in small volumes, and to improve the soft error rate estimation methods, especially for modern technologies. For these purposes, a dedicated SRAM-based test vehicle was designed and its radiation sensitivity was fully characterized using a wide range of beams. This SRAM monitor can be utilized in particle dosimetry and cross-calibration of different test facilities.
Speaker: Dr Arto Javanainen (University of Jyväskylä) -
Correlations of direct ionization effects from low -E protons to energetic heavy ions 25m
Single event cross sections caused by direct ionization effects in sub micron technology are investigated. Focus is on the modeling of the proton direct ionization cross section. Good agreement between modeled, simulated and experimental values has been achieved. Furthermore proton direct ionization cross-sections for heavy ions will be considered.
Speaker: Sascha Andreas Ludeke (University of Jyväskylä - RADSAGA ESR1) -
Coffee break 20m
Electron-induced SEEs in SDRAMs and dosimetry of a pulsed electron beam 25m
Electron-induced radiation effects in electronics becomes increasingly important as technology node sizes decrease. In this presentation, results of electron-induced single-event effects on SDRAMs are presented, and in particular stuck bits are discussed. Novel means of monitoring a pulsed electron beam using doped silica glass rods and optical fibers are also presented.
Speakers: Daniel Paul Soderstrom (University of Jyvaskyla - RADSAGA ESR2), Daniel Söderström -
Design of an experimental set-up to investigate the capability of different detectors to measure LET spectra 25m
In order to investigate the capability of a silicon microdosimeter and the PTW microDiamond detector to measure LET distributions, an experimental set-up has been developed at UMCG. The vacuum chamber is suitable for measurements with different detectors with the potential of adding new devices and can be directly attached to the beamline at the UMCG PARTREC accelerator facility. In the future, it should serve as a stand-alone system that can be used at different accelerator facilities.
Speaker: Christoph Meyer (KVI Center for advanced radiation technology - RADSAGA ESR3) -
Unique particle beams and energies at CERN applied to radiation testing of electronics 25m
The radiation environment in space poses unique challenges to the successful operation of electronic components exposed to it. It is hence important to test the devices sufficiently before their integrating them in space missions, if possible already during their design phase. Likewise, radiation effects on electronics pose reliability and availability threats for high-energy accelerator applications.
In order to evaluate the robustness of components against radiation, ground level radiation tests and Monte Carlo simulation tools like FLUKA play a key role and enable a reliable estimation of the associated risk.
Hence, this presentation will focus on the investigation of experimental beams mimicking this space and accelerator environments, such as ultra-high energy (UHE) heavy ions, high energy protons and electrons, with regards to their behavior while interacting with matter and related radiation effects. Special focus is placed on occurring nuclear fragmentation, energy deposition mechanisms and dosimetry issues. Among other tests, the heavy ion test campaigns at CERN in 2017 and 2018 have served as an excellent experimental opportunity for this. Additionally, the electron beam at CLEAR (CERN) representing the radiation environment around Jupiter has been exploited, with special focus on very high dose rates delivered in short pulses.Speakers: Vanessa Wyrwoll, Vanessa Wyrwoll (CERN - RADSAGA ESR4) -
SRAM based Radiation Monitor system 25m
A flexible SRAM based SEU radiation monitor has been designed, simulated and tested. Its SEU sensitivity can be tuned by varying the cells supply voltage. The data collected from heavy ions, high-energy protons, neutrons and low-energy protons shows that changing the core voltage of the chip can significantly affect the SEU sensitivity.
Speaker: Jialei WANG (KU Leuven - RADSAGA ESR5)
Lunch 1h
RADSAGA WP2 - Reliability & Testing at Component Level: Part 1
WP2 Introduction 10m
In WP2, the focus has been set on reliable state-of-the-art electronic components. Devices of strategic importance, for industrial and technological applications, such as a high-reliability integrated time-based signal processing circuit or a CMOS imager have been designed in mainstream CMOS technologies, with the requirement of tolerating radiation levels, orders of magnitude larger than those which currently available commercial components can withstand. In addition, the combined influence of stochastic and cumulative radiation effects (i.e. synergetic effects) together with the coupled impact of radiation and aging (i.e. coupled effects) have been carefully studied in order to decisively improve the link between the experimental and operational contexts. This crucial point also required the use of predictive tools both for soft and hard errors (SET and SEL), which served as a means of developing "Radiation Hardened By Design" (RHBD) components.
Speaker: Prof. Frederic Saigne (Université de Montpellier) -
Integrated Time-based Signal Processing Circuits for Harsh Radiation Environments 25m
Sensor interfaces (resistive, capacitive etc.) are integral part of high reliable applications like space, flight, nuclear power plants as well as automotive systems. In the presence of ionizing radiations, total ionizing dose (TID) gradually degrades the performance of integrated CMOS circuits and single event effects (SEEs) create instantaneous voltage fluctuations especially affecting digital, memory and switched capacitor circuits. This project focuses on defining new sensor readout architectures based on time-domain signal processing for critical reliability application in harsh radiation environment. The research output with proposed sensor interfaces and measurement results will be presented.
Speaker: Mr Arijit Karmakar (KU Leuven - RADSAGA ESR6) -
Coupled aging and radiation effects on wide bandgap power devices 25m
In recent years, the power electronics industry has been rapidly evolving thanks to wide
bandgap (WBG) semiconductor materials such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride. However, those materials are still relatively recent within the power semiconductor devices and there are still some technological barriers, which need to be overcome to ensure reliable operation throughout their lifetime in harsh environments.
In this work, the short and long term-reliability of WBG power devices in radiation environment have been evaluated, studied and analysed through experimental analysis and modeling. Three interdependent lines of research were considered 1) the degradation of the device, 2) the effect of device aging on its radiation sensitivity and 3) effect of radiation on the long term reliability of the device/system.Speaker: Kimmo Henrik Niskanen (University of Montpellier - RADSAGA ESR7)
Single-Event Effects (SEE) Testing and the Implications of Semiconductor Technology and Space System Evolution 1h
The radiation effects community in the United States is facing challenges on two fronts: grow capacity for low-energy (≤50 MeV/amu) heavy ion single-event effects (SEE) testing and expand capabilities for high-energy (≥100 MeV/amu) SEE testing. These needs are driven by the evolution of semiconductor technology as well as the types and number of civil space systems required to meet human and science exploration goals. Development and efficient use of heavy ion SEE testing infrastructure is more than just technical requirements – economic models are also an important consideration for long-term sustainability.Short biography
Jonathan “Jonny” Pellish is employed at the Goddard Space Flight Center as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Electronic Parts Manager, responsible for workforce development and stewardship as well as coordinating Agency-wide technical activities in the electronic parts and radiation effects engineering communities. Jonny is also the deputy manager for the NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program, which is operated by NASA Goddard for the NASA Office of Safety and Mission Assurance.
Jonny received the B.S. degree in physics from Vanderbilt University in 2004, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Vanderbilt University in 2006 and 2008. From 2007–2008 Jonny held an IBM Ph.D. Fellowship, which included a co-op position at the IBM Austin Research Laboratory. Jonny has authored or co-authored over 70 refereed publications in addition to numerous conference and workshop presentations. He is a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers.Speaker: Dr Jonathan Allen Pellish (Goddard Space Flight Center at NASA) -
Coffee break 20m
RADSAGA WP2 - Reliability & Testing at Component Level: Part 2
Impact of aging degradation on the radiation susceptibility of advanced technology nodes 25m
Most reliability evaluations of radiation effects for advanced technology nodes are conducted on fresh circuits, leaving the coupled effect of radiation and aging degradation unknown. A test vehicle (ProArray) of programmable arrays of transistors and shift-register chains was specially designed to investigates the impact of aging degradation mechanisms on the radiation susceptibility of 28 nm UTBB FD-SOI technology. The results and analysis of several irradiation tests will be presented.
Speaker: Mohamed Mounir Mahmoud (KU Leuven - RADSAGA ESR8) -
Radiation hardening digital circuits against SET using design techniques. 25m
Single-Event Transient (SET) effect is increasing in importance in advanced technologies due to the reduction in the inherent masking effect of logical circuits. Thus, in order to improve the reliability of electronics systems operating in a harsh environment, different radiation hardening techniques at design level have been studied in this thesis.
Speakers: Ygor AGUIAR (University of Montpellier - RADSAGA ESR9), Ygor Aguiar (CERN) -
Predictive tools and "Radiation Hardening By Design" (RHBD) - SEL and Temperature Effects 25m
Single Event latchup (SEL) is a potential catastrophic condition that affects CMOS technology. If a radiation particle hits the component, electron-hole pairs are generated in the structure and thus they can lead to the activation of the parasitic thyristors if the deposited energy is large enough. However, the deposited energy by the radiation particle is not the only parameter to consider as far as SEL sensitivity is concerned. In this work, we have analyzed the effects of different parameters on SEL sensitivity using TCAD tools. Moreover, we have investigated how to predict SEL by means of TCAD simulations.
Speaker: Salvatore Guagliardo (Université de Montpellier - RADSAGA ESR10) -
Layout Effects in CMOS Photosensitive Devices in Radiation Environment 25m
Increase of dark current is one of the main problems of CMOS image sensors when exposed to ionizing radiation. This is very process and layout dependent. A test chip is designed that has arrays of pixels. Multiple photosensitive devices and layout configurations were included to reduce the dark current without affecting the optical sensitivity of the pixel. This presentation will discuss these configurations and the initial measurement results
Speaker: Rico Jossel Maestro (KU Leuven - RADSAGA ESR11)
RADSAGA WP3 - Qualification Requirements at System Level
WP3 Introduction 15m
Closely linked to WP2, WP3 addressed the decisive question of how system tests will be able to provide reliability information as opposed to the standard bottom-up individual component characterization, which is hardly practical for modern digital integrated circuits hosting a vast amount of devices. This WP made also use of the results obtained in WP1, as the feasibility and preparation of a full-system test largely depends on the radiation facility parameters (i.e. beam size, beam energy, etc.) as well as the interaction of the radiation environment with the system components (i.e. stopping particles, generation of secondary particles, etc.). These parameters have been carefully considered through Monte Carlo simulations.
Speakers: Prof. Alexander Koelpin (BTU), Alexander Kolpin (Friedrich Alexander Univ. Erlangen (DE)) -
Bridging methodology from component to system-level for the assessment of radiation effects in digital systems 25m
The objective of this work, in the context of the European RADSAGA project, is to propose a new methodology for radiation hardness assurance of digital systems. We investigate the possibility to define an intermediate approach that would combine the concept of system-level testing with the existing knowledge and best practices of component-level methods. Our methodology is developed and applied to two recent generations of system-on-modules based on 28-nm Planar and 16nm FinFET system-on-chips. A specific instrumentation was designed and added to the case study software and firmware application to improve the observability of the failures during system-level test campaigns performed with atmospheric-like neutrons, high-energy protons, pulsed laser and X-rays. The results are analyzed and the lessons learned from the experimental campaigns are summarized. Finally, the methodology limitations and possible improvements are reviewed.
Speaker: Israel Da Costa Lopes (University of Montpellier - RADSAGA ESR13) -
The opportunities and limitations of the system-level testing 25m
In this presentation, main results related to the system qualification methodology development will be presented. The focus will be given on the opportunities that one may get thanks to the system-level testing as well as the definition of the main limitations for the qualification based on the system-level radiation tests. Because the complete system qualification, i.e. the one that would overcome all the qualification limitations defined in this study, is difficult, the limited qualification scenarios will be discussed.
Speakers: Tomasz Krzysztof Rajkowski (3D Plus - RADSAGA ESR12), Tomasz Rajkowski -
Design and development of a highly integrated and radiation-tolerant Software-Defined Radio (SDR) platform for space applications 25m
This talks is devoted to the design, development and verification of a novel SDR platform for space applications. Due to the required performance, a use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices is unavoidable. The design presents a new risk assessment approach for the use of COTS components in critical space applications, with a specific focus on radiation effects. Key-technology devices of the SDR have been evaluated for radiation effects and finally a complete system-level verification has been performed at CHARM with its unique mixed-field radiation environment and at KVI under proton irradiation.
Speaker: Jan Budroweit (DLR )
Cofee break 30m
Airbus standpoint in the domains of radiation testing and new space COTS business 1h
From the perspective of a space system provider, the need of supplying radiation robust products to multiple customers requires a cost/schedule effective approach of the RHA process, while being aware and understanding the associated risks. This remains the case in the frame of the “new business” addressed by Airbus Defence and Space.
The presentation will then address how “New Space” and more specifically the use of Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) impact an industrial RHA process. In particular, impacts on the radiation modelling and calculation process, on radiation testing, on the electronic design domain and, finally, on the EEE parts themselves will be addressed. This will cover a broad range of technical items which are to be put in perspective with the deployment of actual RHA processes in the frame of “traditional” space business.
Short biography
Renaud Mangeret received his PhD in electronics from the Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse (France) in the Materials and Components for Electronics Department in 1992. He then worked at the IBM Almaden Research Center, California, as a visiting scientist working on non-linear optics (NLO) polymers. From 1993-1995 Renaud worked at Giat Industries, Toulouse as a research and development engineer. Since 1995 Renaud has been radiation specialist at Matra Marconi Space/EADS Astrium/Airbus Defence and Space, then in 2006 has been Astrium/Airbus Defence and Space’s Radiation Expert and is now Transnational Radiation Senior Expert, still at Airbus Defence and Space in Toulouse. He is responsible for all aspects of radiation hardness assurance solutions for use of sensitive devices in space programs (telecommunications, Earth observation, interplanetary scientific and constellations) and in charge of Airbus DS radiation process. Renaud is a Member of the IEEE, chairman of ESCC CTB Radiation Working Group and currently serves as Treasurer for the RADECS Association Steering Committee.
Speaker: Renaud Mangeret (Airbus DS) -
RADSAGA WP4 - Methodologies and Guideline
WP4 Introduction 10m
WP4 used the research progress in the first three WPs to develop a guideline for radiation testing and verification of radiation tolerant space equipment and small satellites based on commercial electronics. This document is already serving as a key input for engineers across the European industry working on the design and characterization of electronic systems and will be further extended to accelerator and terrestrial applications. It combines fundamental radiation aspects (e.g. particle interaction with matter) and practical aspects (e.g. test facility information) providing an insight to radiation reliability otherwise inaccessible even for the most experienced radiation expert. Such guideline is intended to serve as basis for a new European radiation testing standard for systems.
Speaker: Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN) -
System-level qualification guidelines as a part of RHA procedure for accelerator applications 25m
System-level tests play a significant role in electronic devices' qualification and in combination with the component-level testing gives a more precise understanding of their behavior in the harsh radiation environment. They are especially relevant in the case of accelerators, where highly complex systems are employed and a high degree of reliability is imposed. System-level tests must therefore be embedded in the equipment design process, and be a part of a more comprehensive Radiation Hardness Assurance procedure. In view of the recently released RADSAGA System-level Radiation Testing Guideline for Space Systems, the nuances of the development of an equivalent document for accelerator equipment are explored.
Speaker: Ivan Slipukhin (CERN - RADSAGA ESR14) -
Relevance and guidelines of radiation effect testing beyond the standards for electronic devices and systems - A. Coronetti (CERN - ESR 15) 25m
Device integration and advanced packaging bring several challenges to standard radiation hardness assurance practices. These are mainly related to sensitivity to weakly ionizing particles as well as ensuring the representativeness of the test, such as the use of protons as a proxy to ions. The relevance of these emerging out-of-the-standard radiation effects was assessed for singly-charged particles, such as pions for the accelerator and low-energy protons for space. A guideline for radiation verification with protons of space systems associated with high risk acceptance was developed.
Speaker: Andrea Coronetti (CERN and JYU - RADSAGA ESR15)
Lunch 1h 30m
Essentials for electronics in the space radiation environment - Test methods and facilities 30m
Abstract of the presentation
The test of electronic components to radiation effects is the first step of radiation hardness assurance, to demonstrate their capability to meet the mission system requirements. After a short introduction on ESA’s missions, the presentation will address the evolution of technologies, the increasing complexity of space systems, and the challenges to test electronic components. It will conclude on the test facility essentials for a conclusive test.Short biography
V. Ferlet-Cavrois is at the European Space Agency (ESA) since 2009. She is presently Head of the Power Systems division, encompassing solar generation, energy storage and power management and distribution, EMC, and Space Environment and effects, for satellite platform and payloads. The division is part of in the Technology and Product Assurance directorate (D/TEC), which provides support to all ESA missions. She is responsible for the human resources and technical activities, technology developments and project support. Before joining ESA, she was at CEA – Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique – since 1991, working on radiation interactions and effects, and developing radiation hardened technologies and components, with CEA LETI and STMicroelectronics. In 2005, she received the HDR “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches”, Habilitation Research Director, from the University of Grenoble. She authored about 200 publications, and received several awards. She is Fellow of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics (IEEE), for contributions to understanding of radiation effects on electronic devices, since 2011.Speaker: Dr Veronique Ferlet-Cavrois (ESA) -
Past, Present, and Future of Radiation Effects Education 1h
Speaker Prof. R. Schrimpf
Abstract of the presentation
The effects of radiation on electronic devices and systems have been an important area of research since the 1960s. Early researchers and practitioners were typically trained in physics and little specialized knowledge about the effects of radiation on semiconductor devices was available. This began to change in the 1950s, and especially the 1960s, as the semiconductor industry developed and the vulnerability of electronics to radiation became apparent. This culminated in the failure of Telstar 1, the first commercial communications satellite, and resulted in the establishment of the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference. This has become the primary source of information related to radiation effects and it was joined by RADECS, the European radiation effects conference, in 1989. There are not many dedicated radiation-effects educational programs, although there are several universities in the US and Europe with strong programs. This talk will discuss the components of typical radiation-effects educational programs and future opportunities. It will emphasize opportunities for students created by the emergence of commercial space programs and new particle accelerators.Short biography - Prof R. D. Schrimpf
Ron Schrimpf is the Orrin H. Ingram Professor of Engineering at Vanderbilt and the founding Director of the Institute for Space and Defense Electronics (ISDE). Ron’s research activities focus on semiconductor device physics, particularly radiation effects and reliability in microelectronics and semiconductor devices. ISDE applies the research conducted in Vanderbilt’s Radiation Effects and Reliability (RER) Group to practical problems of designing devices, integrated circuits, and systems for operation in radiation environments. The RER Group at Vanderbilt is the largest of its type at any US University. Ron served as President of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society and President of the Radiation Effects Steering Group. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and has received the Chancellor’s Cup, the Harvey Branscomb Distinguished Professor Award, and the Chancellor’s Award for Research.Short biography - Prof. Kenneth F. Galloway
Kenneth F. Galloway is a Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Emeritus, at Vanderbilt University. He has participated in research on radiation effects in microelectronics for almost 50 years. His recent work has focused on silicon carbide power devices. Dr. Galloway is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the American Physical Society (APS), and the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). He received the 2002 IEEE NPSS Radiation Effects Committee’s Radiation Effects Award, the 2007 IEEE NPSS Richard F. Shea Distinguished Member Award, and the 2016 RADECS Association Yuri Gagarin Award.Speakers: Prof. Kenneth Galloway (Vanderbilt University), Prof. Ron Schrimpf (Vanderbilt University) -
Coffee break 20m
Round Table - Impact and importance of RADSAGA research objectives in the "SAGA" fields 1h 30m
Moderator: R. Garcia Alia
- Prof. R. Schrimpf and Prof. K. Galloway from Vanderbilt University
- R. Mangeret from Airbus Defence Space
- M Brugger from CERN
- V. Ferlet-Cavrois from ESA
- J. Pellish from NASA
- G. Donini from the European CommissionSpeakers: Jonathan Allen Pellish, Kenneth Galloway (Vanderbilt University), Markus Brugger (CERN), Dr Renaud Mangeret (Airbus DS), Ron Schrimpf (Vanderbilt University), Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN), Dr Veronique Ferlet-Cavrois (ESA) -
Social event (reserved to the RADSAGA Collaboration) 1h
A virtual aperitive will be offered to all the RADSAGA Collaboration.
We will exchange about this great adventure and test your gaming attributes.
RADSAGA Training, Outreach and Management Activities 30m
The RADSAGA ITN is a wide research and training project involving about 30 partners and training 15 Early Stage Researchers. Training, communication and data sharing are key values for the project.
The project provided innovative and interdisciplinary training adapted to radiation effects scientists and engineers. The program has also covered topics as entrepreneurship, knowledge transfer and project management classes. Subjects so far included in very different academic disciplines - such as semiconductor physics, electronic systems engineering, applied nuclear physics, accelerator technology, etc. - have been combined in a coherent study and training plan that resulted in the formation of highly qualified professionals, thus guaranteeing the competitiveness of the European industry in a strategic domain such as that of system reliability.Outreach and dissemination activities have also had an important impact on the ESRs training, allowing the creation and consolidation of professional networks and giving the possibility to get in contact with non scientific audience and reflecting on the importance of science.
Speakers: Prof. Paul Leroux (KU Leuven (BE)), Sonia Allegretti (TERA Foundation (IT)) -
Testing Electronics for Fusion Application 1h
The main scope of this presentation is the test of SEEs induced by neutrons on electronics intended to be operated in a neutron flux near a fusion reactor (DD or DT plasma neutrons). Regardless of the intensity of the gamma and neutron fluxes, this presentation focuses on the energy spectra of neutrons and its effects, whose energy degradation can vary from one place to another in the reactor building depending on the elastic and inelastic interactions of neutrons with the surrounding structures, such as shields and walls.
Although the neutron fluxes depend on the design of the machine and the building as well as the operation of the reactor, the energy spectra of the neutrons should be quite similar in fusion reactors. Analogies but also differences can be evoked comparing with the case of Fission reactors and with the well described case of the natural atmospheric neutron spectrum.Speaker: Jean-Luc Leray (CEA/Consultant) -
Coffee break 15m
MSCA - Transition between H2020 and Horizon Europe 1h
The presentation will cover topics related to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Program in Horizon Europe:
- MSCA Doctoral Networks
- MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- MSCA Staff Exchanges
- MSCA and CitizensShort biography of the speaker
Giuliana has been working at the European Institutions since 2003 starting at the Directorate General for Research and then moving to the Research Executive Agency where she served as Project Officer and Panel Coordinator in the Environment and Geosciences section of the Marie Curie Programme.
As Panel Coordinator she ensures the organisation of the evaluation and selection of proposals and follows-up of the individual evaluations, consensus discussion and panel meetings.
As Project Officer, Giuliana handles the Grant Agreement Preparation of successful ITN proposals and follows-up of running projects from different panels. She is also in charge of other tasks as such as managing the ITN Helpdesk and helping to organise the Coordinators’ information day.
Before moving to Brussels, she worked for many years in the public sector of Trentino-South Tyrol in Italy engaging with human resources and the management of scientific and technological local research programmes.Speaker: Giuliana Donini (European Commission) - 11:45 → 12:00
Lunch 55m
RADNEXT Kick-off meeting
- 13:40
Administrative aspects of project management 25mSpeaker: Oana Radu (European Research Executive Agency)
Roundtable - RADNEXT Partners presentation 1h
The RADNEXT Consortium is composed of 35 partners.
20 of them will shortly present their activities/ contributions to the RADNEXT project. -
Coffee break 20m
Joint Research Activities - WP06 Standardization of system level radiation qualification methodology 20m
In the work package WP6-JRA2, the main goal will be the exploration of valid qualification procedures to be effective at system level. For this purpose, we define with the term system as a structure composed of basic electronic elements such as transistors, diodes, capacitors and complex elements such as ADC/DAC converters, frequency synthesizers, voltage regulators, memories, processors, FPGAs and SoCs. The difficulty of this task is due to the complexity of the systems and the heterogeneity of the composing parts. Its main added value is a reduced qualification cost and time, without significantly affecting the radiation hardness assurance level.
The work package will be mostly acted and led by the University of Montpellier, with the key contribution of the universities UC3M and KUL, as well as CERN. Interactions with partners hosting irradiation facilities and with experience in radiation-hardened system will be promoted, in order to better identify the specific requirements typical of each different irradiation test. The work package has three scientific tasks. The first one aims at identifying general practices for system testing; the other two tasks are related to pass/fail testing and test with high observation capabilities, respectively.
Results derived from this WP will be integrated in recommendations and guidelines related to the complementarity and representativeness of different experimental conditions with respect to those encountered in applications.
Speakers: Luigi DILILLO (LIRMM/CNRS/UM), Luis Entrena (Universidad Carlos III) -
Joint Research Activities - WP07 Cumulative radiation effects on electronics 20m
In this Work Package (WP7-JRA3) a study of the cumulative radiation effects on electronics will be accomplished. Cumulative effects in electronics are highly relevant both for actual applications (e.g. space, high-energy accelerators, nuclear dismantling, etc.) as well as related to by-product effects of Single Event Effects (SEE) testing.
Two main tasks will be studied. The first one is interested in ionizing dose effects (TID = Total ionizing Dose). The second concerns the non-ionizing dose (TNID = Total Non-Ionizing Dose, generally known as Displacement Damage).
The main objective is to understand the physical mechanisms behind the damage and to propose test methodologies adapted to the use of electronic component and system.
Results derived from this WP will be integrated in recommendations and guidelines related to the complementarity and representativeness of different experimental conditions with respect to those encountered in applications.
Speakers: Jerome Boch, Prof. Vincent Goiffon (ISAE-SUPAERO), jerome boch (Montpellier University) -
Joint Research Activities - WP08 Complementary modelling tools 20m
This WP will develop and apply tools and approaches for modelling radiation effects on electronics. These require a multi-physics approach, at radiation-matter interaction, semiconductor physics and circuit level. The modelling efforts will be focused on:
Benchmarking simulation tools to be used for SEE applications as complement to experimental data, in order to enhance the understanding of the interpretation of results and effects, as well as to extending the latter to scenarios not accessible experimentally.
Establishing SEE equivalences between different radiation fields, thus increasing the qualification alternatives and relaxing, when possible, the radiation field similarity requirements between test and applications. The proposed approach will on the one side be driven by the SEE categories and technologies identified as most relevant for the next ~5 years of electronics operation, and on the other, be applied and benchmarked against actual experimental data on relevant components. Moreover, modelling aspects will extend beyond the three physical levels (radiation-matter interaction, device and circuit) and include system level modelling approaches.
Providing transversal support to the RADNEXT TA and JRA activities in terms of Monte Carlo simulation studies aimed at improving the description and understanding of the radiation fields in experimental beam and facilities.
Speakers: Frédéric Wrobel (Université de Montpellier), Francesco Cerutti (CERN) -
Joint Research Activities - WP05 Radiation monitors, dosimeters and beam characterization 20m
In this Work Package (WP5-JRA1), the RADNEXT facilities and user needs will be defined and answered in terms of radiation detectors, beam instrumentation and dosimetry. This Work Package includes three main tasks:
To define the correlation matrix between the identified needs and the established or innovative monitoring solutions as well as the definition and standardization of the relevant beam parameters to be monitored across the facility network. This will include the RADNEXT facilities coordinators as well as WP08/JRA4.
To investigate innovative instrumentation regarding their potential high impact on facility operation and optimization of radiation to electronics testing such as fiber-based solutions, SEU monitor based on 3D NAND flash memories or new techniques for neutron field monitoring. Part of this work will be done in collaboration with WP07/JRA3 regarding the calibrations to various radiation types.
To develop, characterize and qualify low-cost detectors and dosimeters and have them accessible to RADNEXT users.
Such objectives are therefore fully aligned with rendering the facility network more accessible, homogeneous and complementary.
Speakers: Cornelia Hoehr (TRIUMF), Sylvain GIRARD (University of Saint-Etienne) -
RADNEXT Kick-off meeting
Roundtable - RADNEXT Partners presentation 45m
The RADNEXT Consortium is composed of 35 partners.
15 of them will shortly present their activities/ contributions to the RADNEXT project.
Transnational Access - WP09 Neutron, muon and mixed-field spallation facilities and irradiation 20m
The work package will provide transnational access to 14 facilities for the irradiation of electronics with neutron, muon and mixed-fields. The offer of neutron beams is the core of the WP, and covers a wide range of energy and fluxes, including atmospheric neutrons, thermal neutrons, monoenergetic and quasi-monoenergetic, low and intermediate energy white beams. Two facilities, providing muons and high energy mixed field, are unique of their kind and offer exciting research possibilities.
Users will submit their experimental proposals, which will be reviewed for excellence by the RADNEXT User Selection Panel (USP). The USP will provide support for the selection of the suitable facility and proper beams for users research needs. This is especially important for the new users who might not have prior experience on radiation effects testing.
Successful users will get the opportunity of beam time and financial support for their travel to the test facilities.
Promptly after (within a month) their test campaign, the users are required to provide a test report including a short summary of the preliminary test results obtained during the campaign, also discussing the possible problems encountered. The goal is that users will produce a large and diverse array of publications and particular attention will be devoted to the principle of open access, in accordance with the spirit of Horizon 2020.
Speakers: Carlo Cazzaniga, Anna Ferrari (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Dresden, Germany) -
Transnational Access - WP10 Proton, heavy ion and alternative beams and irradiation 20m
This WP provides Transnational Access for scientific users to a diverse network of proton and heavy-ion facilities providing energetic beams for SEE testing. The beam energies provided are ranging from low energy protons of below MeV energies up to ultra high heavy ions at several GeV/u. There are also facilities capable of producing highly focused micro ion beams that will be useful in characterizing the fine structures in the microelectronic components and their spatial radiation response with fine resolution. The core of the TA beams is formed by facilities that provide heavy-ion and proton beams that meet requirements set by the common SEE test standards (ESCC and MIL). These facilities are e.g. UCL in Belgium, PSI in Switzerland and JYU in Finland. The beams provided by the other “non-standard” facilities complement excellently the selection of available beams for SEE testing. With all the participating facilities this WP can offer a great network for conducting state of the art radiation effects research using energetic protons and heavy ions.
Speakers: Francoise Bezerra, Arto Javanainen (University of Jyväskylä) -
Coffee break 15m
Networking Activities - WP02 Communication, dissemination, exploitation and training 20m
The overall objective of the communication, dissemination, exploitation and training activities within RADNEXT is to increase and maximize the project impact (economic, commercial, societal, environmental, technical, educational, and scientific).
A variety of media will be used for attracting new users (e.g. SMEs), demonstrating relevance of accelerator infrastructures for society, creating visibility and awareness of Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) for the general public, attracting students and researchers to RHA, disseminating results of the Joint Research Activities, and identifying and fostering knowledge transfer and IP licensing. Irradiation results from RADNEXT beam time will be disseminated and irradiation data of selected components will be included in the RADNEXT Preferred Parts List.
An Industrial Advisory Panel with a diverse specialized participation will be set up to increase the possibility of effective “market pull” actions. The work package will provide support for market assessment, assist the evaluation of commercialization opportunities, offer guidelines and support on different aspects of IP and advise the research projects regarding the preparation of Business Plans. RADNEXT will reach out for new collaborations among the RADNEXT facilities and users from industry and take dedicated measures for bridging the gap between science and industry to support and lower the threshold for radiation hardness testing. To stimulate a close interaction with industry, three RADNEXT-to-Industry events will be organized.
A review of training activities will be carried out and synergies will be investigated between different training courses within Europe, especially with the European Joint Master on Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies (RADMEP). A dedicated training repository will be established and (on-line) training material will be developed on the topics of radiation effects in electronics and photonics, irradiation facilities and their differences, complementarities, access constraints, and test setup preparation.
Speakers: Paul Leroux (KU Leuven (BE)), Paul Leroux (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), ennio capria -
Network Activities - WP03 Transnational access management and harmonization 20m
Efficiently awarding beam time to radiation effects users worldwide will be the cornerstone of the RADNEXT project, therefore a clear and effective approach to the Transnational Access is a key requisite for success.
To this aim, WP2 is fully devoted to the management of the Transnational Access (TA) activities: application for beam time, coordination of the user selection and support, optimised management of the test related activities by the facilities. In particular, WP2 tasks will deal with:
the management of TA applications through a web portal, including the provision of detailed information about the network of facilities; the beam awarding procedures, through the evaluation by a User Selection Panel with short lead times, and the support of less experienced users by a team of experts for the design of their experiments before submitting their proposals;
the definition of a data model for the management of users and experiments related information, the selection of a digital platform capable of handling such data and the exploration of Natural Language Processing techniques to support the evaluation of TA requests;
the harmonisation of the procedures for the access to facilities, through collection and discussion of the procedures in use, discussion with academic and industrial users about common needs, assessment of best practises to ensure successful exploitation of the infrastructures. All this will also aim at improving the facilities’ compliance with the European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures
Speaker: Salvatore Fiore (ENEA (IT)) -
Network Activities -WP04 Roadmap and pre-design of future irradiation facilities 20m
The objective of this WP is to define roadmaps and provide recommendations for upgrades of current facilities and design of future ones. The WP4 goal is to underline long-term scientific, technological and industrial needs in order to prepare irradiation facilities and improve the usability of them. This task is addressed by analyzing the present and future industrial and scientific applications and investigating the limitations of the current facilities. In turn, the aim is also to propose technologically advanced solutions that can be used to tackle long-term requirements.
Speakers: Salvatore Danzeca (CERN), Roberto Versaci (ELI Beamlines) -
Meeting Closure 20m
Lunch 1h