MSCA - Transition between H2020 and Horizon Europe

19 May 2021, 10:45



Giuliana Donini (European Commission)


The presentation will cover topics related to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Program in Horizon Europe:
- MSCA Doctoral Networks
- MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- MSCA Staff Exchanges
- MSCA and Citizens

Short biography of the speaker
Giuliana has been working at the European Institutions since 2003 starting at the Directorate General for Research and then moving to the Research Executive Agency where she served as Project Officer and Panel Coordinator in the Environment and Geosciences section of the Marie Curie Programme.
As Panel Coordinator she ensures the organisation of the evaluation and selection of proposals and follows-up of the individual evaluations, consensus discussion and panel meetings.
As Project Officer, Giuliana handles the Grant Agreement Preparation of successful ITN proposals and follows-up of running projects from different panels. She is also in charge of other tasks as such as managing the ITN Helpdesk and helping to organise the Coordinators’ information day.
Before moving to Brussels, she worked for many years in the public sector of Trentino-South Tyrol in Italy engaging with human resources and the management of scientific and technological local research programmes.

Presentation materials