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BLonD code development meeting



Video conferencing only
BLonD code development meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Helga Timko
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Review of BLonD manuscript

  • In 2 weeks' time: finish your own part of the manuscript

  • In 4 weeks' time: review entire manuscript and leave your comments to others

Ivan: Faster induced-voltage calculation 

  • Application: FCC with large circumference, 10000s of bunches
    • 10 B macro particles needed if scaling directly
    • Transverse feedback studies done in 2018 with PyHEADTAIL
  • Present BLonD implementations
    • Freq domain: circular convolution -> periodic result, any impedance model; uniform sampling needed
    • Time domain: linear convolution with zero padding, any impedance model; uniform sampling needed
    • Resonator impedance: matrix multiplication -> non-uniform sampling needed, but N^2 complexity
    • Ideally, want to have non-uniform implementation, but with Nlog(N) complexity
  • Compressed convolution by ABP
    • Drawback: double number of slices needed
    • For multi-turn wake, empty bucket sampling needed
  • How does it work?
    • Induced voltage only needed on the points where the line density is not zero
    • Introducing a MASKING of the data -> can cut the wakefield data
    • Calculate convolution on compressed data
      • For the relevant bins, the results are the same
      • For other locations, data is not correct => CANNOT use it for beam with LOSSES
  • Performance test:
    • Full convolution with 5 bucket bunch spacing vs. full conv with 15 bucket bunch spacing vs compressed convolution: compressed convolution performs best of all
    • The smaller the spacing, the less the improvement
  • Remarks on wake calculation
    • N. Mounet: exact analytical wake calculation can be approximated by cubic Hermitian interpolation
      • example: resistive wall impedance is not correctly represented by standard FFT, while analytical approximation is correct
    • Drawback: analytical expression of the impedance needed
      • For cases where the impedance is known, but wake cannot be calculated
  • Implementation in BLonD: Ivan will make a first implementation
    • Already existing SparseSlicing objects
      • Issue reported by Markus in C++ implementation
  • Mihaly: how about using non-uniform FFT?
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      • progress with BLonD paper
      Speakers: Alexandre Lasheen (CERN), Giulia Papotti (CERN), Heiko Damerau (CERN), Ivan Karpov (CERN), Konstantinos Iliakis (CERN), Luis Eduardo Medina Medrano (CERN), Markus Schwarz (KIT), Panagiotis Tsapatsaris (NTUA), Simon Albright (CERN), Theodoros Argyropoulos (CERN)
    • 2
      Faster induced-voltage calculation
      Speaker: Ivan Karpov (CERN)