Mar 22 – 26, 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Note: registration is mandatory to receive the zoom link to connect to the sessions.

A first version of the timetable is now out. Although it is subject to small changes, all the speakers are invited to check that the assigned date and time for their talk is suitable.

The workshop will be a virtual edition of a new series of meetings focused on the experimental and theoretical studies of quarkonia as tools to explore the structure of nucleons and nuclei, the phase diagram of QCD, the spin content of the nucleons, the coupling of the Higgs boson to heavy quarks, ...

Each day will be dedicated to specific systems and observables: collisions involving protons, mesons and leptons, proton-nucleus collisions, heavy-ion collisions, polarised nucleons and spin observables, and exclusive reactions including the ultra-peripheral hadron collisions. From the first two editions emanated a review on the opportunities for quarkonium production at the HL-LHC:

This year, the workshop will take place the week after the Quarkonium Working Group (QWG) workshop to be held remotely. We encourage the participants to assist to the QWG workshop, in particular to the production sessions.

Given the sanitary context, it is very complicated for our young colleagues to advertise their work. As such, they will benefit from full priority to give talks. The tradition of the workshop is to ask as much as possible to the speakers to enlarge the scope of their talks. We stick to this tradition and invite PhD and Postdocs to submit an abstract as an expression of their interest to speak on specific topic of the workshop.

We will have two sessions of 2 hours daily, which will hopefully allow our colleagues from Asia and America to actively contribute. At least half of the afternoon sessions will be dedicated to talke related to the US EIC.

Topics (tentative):

  • Monday: Inclusive reactions (incl. jets & isolation) & tools for PDFs
  • Tuesday: Exclusive reactions & tools for GPDs & Wigner functions,...
  • Wednesday: Reactions with polarisation & tools for TMD functions, spin asymmetries,...
  • Thursday: Reactions with nuclei & tools for nuclear PDFs, Cold Nuclear Matter,...
  • Friday: Reactions with 2 nuclei & tools for Quark-Gluon Plasma,Multi-particle interactions, ...


D. Boer, E. Chapon, B. Ducloué, M.G. Echevarria, P.B. Gossiaux, V. Kartvelishvili, T. Kasemets, D. Kikola, R. McNulty, D. Price, H.S. Shao, C. Van Hulse, M. Winn


This scientific event is supported by the CNRS-IN2P3 (TMD@NLO, LIA FCPPL, PICS Excitonium), The French ANR, the GDR QCD and the Labex P2IO.

Previous workshops:
Quarkonia As Tools 2019, January 13-19 2019, Aussois (France)

Quarkonia As Tools 2020, January 12-18 2020, Aussois (France)


